Woman’s Repressed Memory of Being Raped at Diane Feinstein’s Birthday Party – IOTW Report

Woman’s Repressed Memory of Being Raped at Diane Feinstein’s Birthday Party

ht/ alan

21 Comments on Woman’s Repressed Memory of Being Raped at Diane Feinstein’s Birthday Party

  1. Anyone catch how Feinstein doesn’t believe Kavanaugh, but can turn to her staff, ask, “Did you leak Ford’s letter?” then turn to the committee and with a straight face say, “My staff didn’t leak it.”

    Gee, Diane do you think Kavanaugh should be believed as easily as you believe your staff? There’s more evidence supporting that he didn’t touch Ford than that your staff didn’t leak the letter.

  2. Smearing people viciously without accountability is Finklestein’s stock and trade.
    You’re 80 plus years old now Mrs. Finklestein, your deeds will be tallied and you’ll answer for them very soon.

  3. I thought this was going to be a joke, but this woman is deadly serious.
    She will be learning how vicious the “pro-woman” Democrat party is to women that reveal the hypocrisy of the Democrat machine.
    And how thoroughly the Democrat Media Mafia can ignore her tragic story.

  4. Feinstein had a Chinese spy as an assistant for decades while she had top secret security clearance and handled all sorts of sensitive information. But I am sure that she never let slip even a hint of any information to her trusted assistant Chinese spy who did not have such a clearance. That would be wrong.

  5. Her repressed memory is detailed and specific and contains information that can be independently verified. Unlike a certain psychology professor’s hazy indistinct garbled memory that contains few verifiable facts and has been rebutted by individuals she named.

    Time for an FBI investigation into this accusation of pimping by Diane Feinstein.

    “You should never have let him into your room”. Why didn’t you tell your own daughter what might happen and how to respond BEFOREHAND? Unless you intended to show your Japanese donor a good time?

  6. Good luck with that whistleblowing, Sharyn. Henry Kerner, Lois Lerner’s ally in weaponizing the IRS against conservatives, is the Deeper in charge of the whistleblower protection program. Incidentally, the person Kerner replaced at OSC is named Carolyn Lerner. Weird, huh? You lern something new every day.

  7. Right now Dr Ford’s credibility is that of people that claim to have been abducted by aliens… Don’t know where or when.. but it was aliens that put the cold metal rod in their butt

  8. This happens more often that one would think. Offering a naïve escort, or a worldly babe who lays it for the greater small world of political good is how business is done in many places.
    Actions aren’t without consequences as so vulnerably displayed here.

  9. Went back to the website. Says she’s a whistleblower and was a spy.
    She claims to be the one who alerted them about the Clinton Foundation fraud. She thinks Robert Kennedy could be her real father. (Her mom was a champ, wasn’t she? lol)

    For those of you on Twitter, you can follow her @SharynBovat.
    Whether that repressed memory is real or not, she is very interesting and not a fan of hillary. At all.

  10. Never telling a lie that someone as accomplished a Lawyer as Feinstein, and Hillary have always presented themselves are, are usually grounds for dis-disbarment. whistleblower left out in regard to these 2 deluded humans, shame it, only opens a window. I beleive


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