Women Can Have Body Type Preferences But Men Can’t? – IOTW Report

Women Can Have Body Type Preferences But Men Can’t?

I found these social media correspondences amusing.

Meninist should feel like a “piece of $hit” but the girl making a face, even for a guy that’s 5’11”, should be able to make her public comments unchallenged. Gotcha.


I get it. Girls like tall guys… and guys are pieces of $hit if they have a body-type preference.

This sounds an awful lot like “black people can’t be racist!”



46 Comments on Women Can Have Body Type Preferences But Men Can’t?

  1. Gotta say, I was raised never to ask a womans age or weight. I swear to this day I won’t ask my wifes weight. I can still throw her over my shoulder and go all cave man so I’m good. Just saying, I guess times have changed and I don’t want any part of it.

  2. George Waters

    That’s an uninformed comment. Do you have any idea how many women are hardcore into the gym these days. I drive to work at 6:30 am and it’s one hot lady after another jogging. I get to the gym in the evening and the women consistently out work the new version of a man. I guess just sayen. But it’s the truth.

  3. My daughter who I love more than life is 4′ 10″ and I call her “Little Missy.” It ain’t just being fat that is a deal breaker.

    Have always kidded her about her height, but it really has caused her problems. As strange as that sounds it has limited how she presents herself before meeting people in person. Afterwards not so much.

    She’s a tough little package, more than able to handle herself in any situation and that has also has caused problems that I’ve never understood. Capable, conservative, gun handling take no shit attitude scares the crap out of some men. Know I’m prejudiced, but in my youth I would have killed for someone like her. Her mama ain’t a lot different except for playing with the guns.

    Now don’t make me regret posting this or I’ll send her after you reprobates…

  4. It’s like these Millennials and that asshole David Hogg.
    When your birth year starts with 20–, don’t even talk to me about gun control, abortion, women’s rights.

    Hell, don’t even try to say a damn thing to me.
    Shut the fuck up and listen to someone who has lived you little punk.

  5. Anymouse
    Honestly pal I’ve watched this shit before. She’ll meet the right guy, and they will be an unbeatable team. Actually have a available hell on wheels handful of a son looking for a woman that can beat his ass in shape. LOL, I wouldn’t wish that on any woman.

  6. In Sunday’s paper the USA Today section had a survey that 72% of women liked “Dad Bods.”
    I guess I should have been triggered.
    I am very doubtful of that survey.

    How about it ladies of iotw?
    Is this a bullshit number or do you like the Dad-bod?


    DAD BOD: Yes, sign me up!

  7. I used to browse Match.com and they had a dozen ways to describe “fat” without saying “fat.”
    I wanted them to add “fat” to the body type settings.
    Be honest, you are fat!

    Posting pictures of the Trevi Fountain is fine but where the hell is a picture showing your “curvy, a few extra pounds” description?
    BTW, that 1977 photo doesn’t count!

  8. DAD BOD ??? … please define
    in my ’20’s, ’30’s, ’40’s, ’50’s I was the definition of a healthy, sculpted male
    now that I’m slinking into my ‘Senior years’ … a bit more ‘gravity’

  9. Side tracked… Truck came in…

    BB, you’re way to far away in Komifornia. That and possibly too old as I suspect your son around twenty? She spend her early years chasing education and career (nurse). She’s thirty now and whining about nothing decent out there other than some cops she’s dated. Sadly the only one I ever liked was a cop from Shitcago and that didn’t work out.

    If she knew I was posting this stuff it could possibly have been my last father’s day.

  10. Anymouse
    Got one that’s 29 and a handful. I say we set them up. Warning, I mean a handful. But, you’d never need to worry about her being protected, I’ll say that for him. You’re good people. She deserves better.

  11. I like short women, I like tall women.
    Almost no man will ever reject a woman because she’s too short, unless she’s like three-foot tall, or something bizarre like that.
    It’s not an insurmountable problem like being overweight or being very ugly.

  12. Anonymous
    All women are beautiful. Short, tall, plus sized, bone thin. They are all special and have their own beauty. Except for fucking Libtards. They are all butt ugly bone deep.

  13. I am currently on the market for Ms. Right, although taking it easy for a couple of months. But looks are an important factor – if I’m not attracted then it just isn’t going to happen. That’s only a part but it matters. I have seen women’s pics where it is clear that she is doing everything possible to hide something about her – well once we meet I’m going to find out anyhow, right? And I play as fair as possible – full headshots so she can see my face, I am honest about details. Ultimately, if one or the other tries to lie about appearances the truth will come out, but with a lot of wasted effort.

    @Brad – I was up near your neck of the woods last weekend, visiting my
    sister and her new hubby in Auburn.

  14. LCD, as of yesterday I’m 31, for 31 years. LOL. It’s officially easier counting the shit that doesn’t hurt in the morning. Especially after 90 minutes in the gym the night before.

  15. LCD, you can always swing by the shop first a lock said shooter in the shop safe and gather it up on the way up the hill to kill steel. I’ll bring a couple AR’s for you to play with.

  16. Have to take off my shoes to count the number of surgeries for replacement, removal or rework.

    Norco is my friend.

    Rename this thread Mr. Big’s dating/escort service…

    I’m done, I’m going home…

  17. That would be great Brad! Don’t know when I’ll get back up there though. I will definitely let you know when I am coming.
    I have shot a good variety of guns, but not much quantity. Had an opportunity to shoot a Barrett a couple of years ago, and some .223 and a .44 Magnum.

  18. @ Diogenes: Damn!! 6’1″ with those eyes and that sense of humor??!? Used to be 6’4″ but now, at 77, down to 6’1 and 1/2″. Waaaaay too old, stodgy (and happily married) for a visually stunning placental mammal with your sense of humor. But it was a nice thought for me for a few seconds…

  19. Bad Brad, I think men have to ask age and weight these days because men don’t look for women they way it used to be done, they do it online. In the good old days you didn’t need to ask you could look at them and say, “yeah that’s getting up there to buffalo size, moving right along.” lol

    I actually have two nephews who met their wives on FB. My SIL, who is not too nice said about one of them, “yep should have asked for full body shots and not head shots.” This was when they had just started dating. I told him apparently he liked ’em big as he didn’t run after the first date.

    Oh and picking her up over his or your shoulder ain’t happening. She was a good 250 and then she had a baby and lets just say 99% of her weight gain wasn’t baby weight. 🙂

  20. @Anymouse June 20, 2018 at 11:12 pm

    She’s a tough little package, more than able to handle herself in any situation and that has also has caused problems that I’ve never understood. Capable, conservative, gun handling take no shit attitude scares the crap out of some men.

    I was going to point you in the direction of the feminists’ “Strong women intimidate good men.”

    Then I read…

    @Anymouse June 20, 2018 at 11:51 pm

    She spend her early years chasing education and career (nurse). She’s thirty now and whining about nothing decent out there

    And realized I don’t speak feminist well enough to explain it to you.

  21. I’ve been with 5’1″ and 5’10” (and a couple in between)

    The only difference is, when it gets to a certain position we all covet, one has her legs outside of you, the other has her legs together. Either way, the view is superb


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