Women desperately seek unvaxed sperm on Facebook – IOTW Report

Women desperately seek unvaxed sperm on Facebook

Jonathan David Rinaldi created a sperm donation group to meet demands for “unvaccinated sperm donors.” more

27 Comments on Women desperately seek unvaxed sperm on Facebook

  1. interesting the idea of safe blood/sperm is taking off. i am giving blood for wifes surgery this month. thankfully the hospital allows directed blood donations through the red cross. i did not discuss vax status and they did not ask. database of unvaxxed donors online at safeblood.

  2. Have you noticed that all the pharma ads list all the possible side effects except Pfizer’s clot shot?
    Some enterprising sperm bank should take advantage of this trend of women wanting unvaxxed sperm.

  3. Am I understanding there are a bunch of IOTW men who don’t care if the outcome of their pay day are their own children, out there somewhere, being raised by a woman whose fundamental values are directly opposed to their own? And who would likely raise a son or daughter who would hate everything you stand for.

    You guys are just kidding, right? Right?

  4. Not sure why women want unvaxed mates? I can take you to the
    newborn/infant section of a cemetery southeast of Phoenix. All deaths from 2020 forward. Let you decide for yourselves. Lots of young mothers there too.

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