Women Drivers – IOTW Report

Women Drivers

female-driverA new study by car maker Hyundai that was conducted in the UK concludes that women have an innate emotional reaction when placed under stress while driving.  The researchers claim it’s an instinctive “early warning system” that may have served our ancestors well before the invention of the automobile, but today makes them a greater hazard than men behind the wheel.


16 Comments on Women Drivers

  1. My wife is the worst driver, I lose it every time I’m unfortunate enough to have to ride with her. She sees stuff happening in front of her but has absolutely no plan to deal with it.

  2. I’m more afraid of women VOTERS. (Not ALL women voters, mind you). But too many of them fall for the Emo bs, are angry and look to government to be their husbands in the absence of the real thing.

    Woodrow Wilson knew this quite well when he championed the (19th? Not sure) amendment. Somewhere near that. Maybe 19th was prohibition. Another boneheaded move by Wilson.

  3. On my way to work one day I witnessed 2 young women in 2 separate vehicles come within mere inches of banging into each other while each were “texterbating” and swapping lanes……neither even noticed how close they came to potential death.
    I blame the compulsion not the gender. They are worse than drunks.

  4. The female negroes around here drive (if you can call it that) with their chests right against the wheel. And they go 100mph no matter what, and weave in and out of lanes.

    I saw some idiot today smoking his tires in some FWD shitbox as he tried to cross the lanes in the rain. Fucking retards.

    Oriental women just have no sense. They should be leading donkeys by a rope — not behind the wheel of an automobile.

  5. Ever notice how anytime women are deemed bad at something, there’s a superior reason for it? Women are bad drivers; its because of their heightened innate ancient sense of danger that protected the tribe…

    Tard is right about the stomping. If my wife sees a brake light a mile ahead of her she slams on the brakes herself.

  6. It isn’t just cars. The first woman captain of the Galveston ferry smashed the ferry into the landing so hard during her first week on the job that the landing and ferry were put out of service for over a year. Several people were hurt but luckily none were killed.

  7. Back in the early years of our marriage, it was quite frustrating the way my wife slammed the dash with her hand as a passenger when we came to a stop behind someone. Always with a gasp like we going to crash because we were way too close to the car in front of us and I wasn’t stopping soon enough.

    I kept getting pissed at this ridiculous over-reaction that implied I was driving dangerously.

    Then she got glasses.

    The dash board was grateful and so was I.

  8. The Hispanic women here can be very aggressive drivers. I’ll see a FU move in traffic and when I get close at the next intersection I’ll look to see what kind of asshole is at the wheel, expecting a young male, and find some “cute” young Hispanic girl with FU on her mind and a scowl on her face.

    I don’t know why I’m surprised any more at this point.

  9. altho i myself am an excellent driver (it’s twue!! it’s twue!!), i agree that most of my co-genderists should hire someone else to to haul them around…..

    wow, good thing i didn’t say “co-sexists), eh?

  10. The hispanics around here are polite as wax. There are all slow lane — speed limit drivers.

    Except the drunk ones. They will plow right into the back of your automobile at 55mph. And then try to flee the scene even if they went half way out of the windscreen.

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