Women’s Group Demands CNN Suspend Chris Cuomo, Investigate How He Advised His Brother On #METOO Allegations – IOTW Report

Women’s Group Demands CNN Suspend Chris Cuomo, Investigate How He Advised His Brother On #METOO Allegations


The women’s group UltraViolet called on CNN Thursday to suspend Chris Cuomo following reports that Cuomo advised his brother, the governor of New York, on how to respond to #METOO allegations.

The CNN host reportedly told Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo that he should not resign from his position, the Washington Post reported, and allegedly cited “cancel culture” as a reason that Governor Cuomo should stand firm.

“Reports that Chris Cuomo not only joined strategy calls with his brother, Governor Andrew Cuomo, on how to respond to the numerous sexual harassment allegations against him, but actively advised his brother to aggressively push back on the allegations, is deeply disturbing and completely unacceptable,” communications director at UltraViolet Bridget Todd said in a statement. UltraViolet has previously called on Andrew Cuomo to resign over the allegations.

“Make no mistake — this wasn’t just a brother talking to his brother about their lives, or even about politics,” Todd continued. “This was a major network news anchor advising the Governor of New York to actively push back against sexual harassment allegations and denegrate [sic] survivors of abuse by defining their calls for accountability as ‘cancel culture.’ The fact that after this advice, Governor Cuomo instructed surrogates to attack and defame those who courageously came forward with their stories should not be lost on anyone.”

The UltraViolet communications director said that this “raises serious questions about” how the CNN host covers sexual harassment allegations and how Cuomo’s “position at the network could potentially intimidate or silence other reporters who were looking into the story.”


6 Comments on Women’s Group Demands CNN Suspend Chris Cuomo, Investigate How He Advised His Brother On #METOO Allegations

  1. Respectfully, Fuck You girls!

    If you could not tell that he was a Grease Ball NY Guido Scumbag before then shut the fuck up now!

    PS, I’m Italian so Its not Rassissessness.

  2. These phony baloney “women’s groups” were just fine with it so long as he was a Democrat favorite. Once the progressive movement threw him under the bus, to try and distance themselves from his mass murder of nursing home residents, they only then gave a flying fuck about this aspect of his pathetic behavior.

    Truth be known, there isn’t a one of them who didn’t aspire to be hit on by the asshole when he was on their good list. Not a one. They don’t have a sincere bone in their collective bodies.

    They can be ignored with no moral implications whatsoever in being indifferent to their indignation. It is only about advancing their political agenda.


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