“Women’s March” Tweets About “$14.92” Then Apologizes For Reminding Followers Of Columbus – IOTW Report

“Women’s March” Tweets About “$14.92” Then Apologizes For Reminding Followers Of Columbus

Red State

This brings me to a tweet posted by the perpetually angry so-called “feminists” who form the radically pro-abortion “Women’s March” group. Like similar organizations, they periodically send out email requests soliciting donations from subscribers to keep their campaign going (and to handsomely line the pockets of their senior leadership, no doubt).

Apparently, though, they ran into trouble from some of their fauxfended supporters who reportedly received a donation email noting that $14.92 (the same year that evil man Christopher Columbus did his thing) was their average donation amount for the week. More

11 Comments on “Women’s March” Tweets About “$14.92” Then Apologizes For Reminding Followers Of Columbus

  1. These @ssholes are reduced to shivering puddles of tears because of a effing number.
    Well, guess what, weak sisters, those are my pronouns now.
    You can kindly refer to me as $14.92, 1776, or 11/8/2016.


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