Women’s March Was Not Spontaneous, Planned Months in Advance – IOTW Report

Women’s March Was Not Spontaneous, Planned Months in Advance

This march was not conceived as an anti-Trump march. This was to be a celebratory march, with leftist feminists proclaiming that they now ruled the world.


No wonder they are so angry and hysterical.

ht/ nm

34 Comments on Women’s March Was Not Spontaneous, Planned Months in Advance

  1. Can this deliciousness get any more delicious-y?

    First Trump buys Hillary’s fireworks in NYC on Election Day at a considerable discount I’m sure.

    Then Hillary has to attend inauguration because her stupid husband is an ex-prez and it would be uncool to blow it off.

    The last couple of months must have felt like a slo mo colonoscopy.

  2. All the garbage they left behind shows that they are slobs. Just imagine how much the husbands enjoyed their wives gone for the day. Bunch of cackling hens running out in the streets….yuk

  3. Just saw that woman Kennedy on Cavuto FNC. She was at the event and reports that many of the bitches had already purchased travel and lodging well in advance, expecting to celebrate Hillary’s election party.
    Money already spent.

    Don’t count your chickenzzzzzzz.

  4. Feminists are losers to the core. These are creatures who are lacking in talent, too lazy, too stupid, too unmotivated to work and earn and accomplish. They want everything handed to them by groveling males. Spoiled, ignorant, incapable and pretending to be victims of something other than their own mental illnesses.

  5. There are numerous anti-feminism channels on youtube. Whenever these dump trucks decide to quit making sandwiches, the channels usually have the best content/coverage.

    Maybe I’m the reason. Maybe I scare them into saying so, you know, because of my mansplaining. I live with two women that are equally disgusted by this “mooovement.”

  6. Facts about women in the US & Europe:

    1. They are not slaves.
    2. They can choose their own spouses.
    3. They can divorce their spouses if they want.
    4. They can vote.
    5. They can own property.
    6. They can drive.
    7. They can have jobs.
    8. They can control their own finances.
    9. They can own businesses.
    10. They can hold public office.
    11. Women have access to birth control.
    12. Women have access to abortions.
    13. Women have the same rights under the law as men and perhaps a few that men do not have.

    Where the f**k does anyone get off claiming that women in the West are oppressed? What absolute self-indulgent horse crap that is. It’s like these morons think that life being difficult and hard work is someone a violation of some ill-defined “right”. Where do these lying marxist pigs get off claiming the US is an oppressive society to women? Nothing could be further from the truth, nothing.

  7. They should ‘ve had to pay a $50,000 cleaning deposit, which is refundable if the place is left clean. If not, thank you, and don’t let the door hit your backside on the way out.

  8. I know some of you might be eating dinner right now so you might want to read this later. I was just thinking…these feminazis (not all of them, mind you, but definitely the bulk of them) don’t believe in certain feminine products. I’m talking Summers’ Eve type products. I know from life experience you can’t last within 25 feet from such a…person. Notice I didn’t mention an amount of time. I mentioned a distance. Can you imagine being….I can’t finish this post.

  9. Absolutely stunned to see the NYTs tell the truth for once. All these pissed off lofo dykes who claim it’s time for a woman president? Ask them how they treated Condoleezza Rice, Elizabeth Dole, Michelle Bachman, and Carly Fiorina. How’d they treat Sarah Palin? Time for a woman my ass. Time for those hateful hags to take a vacation in the middle east.

  10. “Anonymous sources report that the stench of feminist ass, B.O., and crotch was so strong that Doanld Trump was evacuated to a secure location as a safety precaution.”

  11. Hey, guys, we have been played for rubes! Do you believe that any of these women ever built a house, shed, building, changed a tire, dug a ditch, run heavy equipment, did plumbing repairs, laid concrete or any number of intensive and difficult work assignments? If you can then you are unique! They come off as being put upon and picked on and without opportunity or reward! Biggest lie since Eve conned poor old Adam!

  12. “Do you believe that any of these women ever built a house, shed, building, changed a tire, dug a ditch, run heavy equipment, did plumbing repairs, laid concrete or any number of intensive and difficult work assignments?”
    No, they worked in the air-conditioned office answering the phone, but believe they should be paid the same as the guys doing all the above.

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