Women’s Olympic Soccer Team Gets Smoked By The Boys – IOTW Report

Women’s Olympic Soccer Team Gets Smoked By The Boys

In an exhibition match meant to help the Australian Women’s Olympic soccer team prepare for Rio later this summer, the “Matildas” played a team of under 15-year old boys formed by the Newcastle Jets.


The women lost 7-0. The Australian women’s team is expected to be competitive in this year’s Olympics, making the quarter finals in last year’s World Cup.


Imagine what a team of transexuals would do to Olympic sports if allowed to compete as women?

18 Comments on Women’s Olympic Soccer Team Gets Smoked By The Boys

  1. Imagine what a team of transexuals would do to Olympic sports if allowed to compete as women?

    Heck, send the under-15 boys instead and have them “declare” that they are girls for the duration of the Olympics. The women’s team ought not to go to Zika-infested Rio anyway.

  2. Most women, and probably all ‘feminists’ don’t really seem to grasp the gulf between male and female strength and endurance.

    By 16, a boy is stronger than most adult women – and he’ll get progressively stronger until he is around 25 years of age.

    I don’t know if this meshes with the experience of other men, but around the time I hit 25, my physical strength roughly doubled withing the space of a few months from what it had been previously.

  3. Just wondering why women can’t grasp the difference in strength. I’d rather my ex policeman husband have a 230 pound make partner as opposed to 120 pound woman, and if that makes me anti-feminine I guess I am.

  4. Maybe they were all in sync on the rag. Although that is hardly any better than just being an inferior team.

    I can’t wait for the “Ghostbusters” reboot.

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