Women’s Powerlifting Record Smashed By a Man – IOTW Report

Women’s Powerlifting Record Smashed By a Man

24 Comments on Women’s Powerlifting Record Smashed By a Man

  1. Stupid Canuckistanians, it can’t be a “New Woman’s Record” when it’s made by a bio-male.
    A bunch of low-rate male athletes trying to steal prizes from the girls.

  2. So, when they say he was in the “unequipped” category, does that mean he had his schlong removed? I don’t know anything about women’s power lifting. He is a fat slob, in any case and I cannot fathom why many of these women athletes are not objecting to this. Where are the screeching wimmin’s lib types?! Oddly silent.

  3. @Conservative Cowgirl: Tranada allows men to compete in the womens’ category on the basis of self identification only. Men are not required to undergo any kind of testosterone suppression. All a man has to do to compete as a woman is to say he identifies as a woman.

  4. I want women’s sports, especially the ones with big money payouts, to be invaded by trannies… *lots* of trannies. Maybe when the babes are totally shut out from collecting any money they’ll start to get the picture.

  5. Testosterone is some powerful shit. Andy Andres doesn’t have much of it. The dude barely benched his body weight. Looking at his lifts he would be just another under achiever at my gym. For the life of me I can’t understand how they justify losers like this wrecking women’s sports. And who in the hell is applauding for him?

  6. Maybe, possibly, he was making a point that needs to me made: that men participating in women’s sports that involve strength will usually win hands down, at the expense of women’s hard work and dedication.

    They will smash the women’s records fairly easily and thus should not be allowed to participate. He was good enough to have also appeared in the men’s competition.

    I am hoping to find out his true intention, and I hope it is a message to male athletes to stay out of women’s events.


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