Women’s Rights Advocate Says “Trans Women” Are Troubled and Not a New Category of Human – IOTW Report

Women’s Rights Advocate Says “Trans Women” Are Troubled and Not a New Category of Human

See it before this version is banned.

YouTube has banned an interview with Posie Parker for saying trans women are men.

A clip from the podcast is currently still up on YouTube:


An interview with feminist Posie Parker has been taken down by YouTube because it constitutes ‘hate speech’, which could incite ‘hatred and/or violence against protected groups’.

In an interview on the Triggernometry podcast, Parker restated her apparently controversial view that men who transition to female are still men.

The video was online for 24 hours and was watched by around 35,000 people until YouTube took it down. The tech giant also gave the Triggernometry channel a warning. After three further warnings, a channel can be permanently deleted.

ht/ jd hasty

16 Comments on Women’s Rights Advocate Says “Trans Women” Are Troubled and Not a New Category of Human

  1. …if these crazy men ACTUALLY believed they were “women”, there would be no such THING as a “trans woman”, and they would NOT identify as such, nor draw ATTENTION to it.

    This is just a naked (heh) grab for Special Victim Status and Affirmative Action carve-outs, which really NO ONE should have, but ESPECIALLY not for ‘crazy’ since we don’t need any more of THAT running our businesses, universities, military, and Govenment…

  2. I recall from my college days in Abnormal Psychology class, another student saying that “When enough people are mentally ill, then normal will become a mental illness.”

    I don’t think you can even say “abnormal psychology” any longer.

  3. Anonymous
    NOVEMBER 23, 2019 AT 8:15 AM
    “I recall from my college days in Abnormal Psychology class, another student saying that “When enough people are mentally ill, then normal will become a mental illness.””

    …there’s a line in “I, Claudius” where mad Roman Emperor Caligula, during a brief lucid moment, turns to the terrified Claudius and ask him frankly, “Do you think I’m mad?”

    Claudius, knowing that it can’t last and not wanting to die, answers quite truthfully, “You’re the Emperor. You set the STANDARD for sanity.

    …and so he did, and what a low standard it WAS.

    …and so our rulers STILL do, like when “narcissism” was rewritten between DSM IV and DSM V because it described the then-ruling “Obama” too closely.


    And so it shall CONTINUE to do. Look at the House. THAT’S a pretty sane bunch, right?

    …and THEY write our LAWS…

  4. All this insanity is leading to tumult.
    After a while the “people” will crack and start to laugh at the Emperor’s new clothes. The weak-willed perverts will grow to know shame and many will expire of their own device. The remainder will become (or remain) serious drug-users and alcoholics until expiration.
    At some point these clowns will be used to scare children into their duties as citizens or into doing their homework.
    If nothing else, people will grow bored with perversion – it must forever increase its “outre-ness” to maintain its place in our consciousness and on the public stage.

    A tired old fag is pitiable (Elton John and Barney Frank, for instance) and the same is coming true for the likes of Bruce Jenner. We see pathetic old clowns in earrings and smeared make-up stumbling through trash in their natty high heels.

    A nation cannot live on lies.
    A civilization cannot continue on lies.
    Facts cannot coexist with lies (indefinitely).

    You abandon civilization or you abandon the “au courant” mendacities of your age.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Only feminists who are in the club because they can’t stand, even, the existence of “things with penises” are transphobic. Sure, there are a lot of them. On a planet of 7 billion people, there are a lot of everything. But they aren’t trying to take over feminism because they want to advance women (nor the feminine). It’s just a useful tool, for now, to exterminate “men” (the dead word for things with penises).

  6. Hmm..I watched about 20 minutes of that interview yesterday. MS Parker was very polite and while opinionated, admitted as much. She is the one that put up the billboard with the definition of “woman-an adult human female” and THAT sparked an outrage in Britain! Does anyone know how to save these videos to re-post elsewhere? Otherwise Google wins.

  7. I know two longtime trans individuals who have been so for decades. They are already sick to death of being used by the progressive movement to advance its political agenda. Maybe even more so than we are of having this stuff crammed down our throats. They both doubt that authenticity of trans who are always looking for a camera to get in front of. They both have said that they are inclined that those who are doing this are attention whores and are opportunistic and their counterfeit condition is something they cooked up to scratch their itch for attention.


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