Wong on So Many Levels – IOTW Report

Wong on So Many Levels


An account called “SF Public Safety News,” a group dedicated to shining a light of truth on the violence occurring in the City by The Bay, shared a disturbing story on X centering around a woman daycare worker who took testosterone shots to transition into a “man” and had such a surge in her libido, that she began sexually abusing children. More

12 Comments on Wong on So Many Levels

  1. The transitioning is already calamitously unstable and damaged in the range of sex and sexuality, drop a bunch of mister motivation in that system and let the old freak flag fly.

    Why do you suppose the manifesto of the tranny that shot up the school is STILL unavailable?

    Same transition, female to male. Testosterone is powerful stuff.

  2. Pedofile stuff aside, stories like this are encouraging. Hear me out.

    Women are not genetically geared to handle that amount of male testosterone. Gee, imagine that. Men have it so we can be aggressive protectors and providers. And yes, also sexually aggressive to procreate. It’s the lies of the enemy, using feminism, that have told men these feelings are wrong.

    But, men are also geared to handle that amount of testosterone, not women. It is also the lies of the enemy that have said this is somehow unfair to women. That for women to be liberated, they have to become men. And usually, it’s the dark side of men that they become: ie: Hard (no pun), angry, vulger, etc. Things that MEN shouldn’t even be!

    To me, it’s encouraging that this is evident when women tamper with men’s chemicals, without having men’s abilities. Just sayin, maybe we can learn from this. But hey, probably not. My points are frequently lost.

  3. “…testosterone shots likely caused “medically disastrous” libido surge, leading to sexual abuse of children.”

    See? It’s not her fault. It’s all the fault of the testosterone shots.
    Maybe she can sue the doctor/doctors who prescribed the shots?

    Similarly to “gun” violence, it’s not the thug who’s at fault, but the “gun.”
    As well as the corruption of our political maggots – it’s the “tainted” money, not the criminality of the politicians that make them steal.
    Same with “white superiority” being the downfall of the lazy maggots on the Earth (the “colored” lazy maggots, not the “white” lazy maggots).

    We need a serious re-alignment.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. In a better time, child predators had a short life expectancy in prison. This POS will hopefully be granted her wish and put in a men’s prison, where she will be the Belle of the Ball, before being shived.


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