Wooden Box Covering South Philly Columbus Statue Must be Removed – IOTW Report

Wooden Box Covering South Philly Columbus Statue Must be Removed

National File: The plywood box that has covered a statue of Christopher Columbus in South Philadelphia’s Marconi Park since 2020 must be removed by the city of Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court ruled on Friday. The statue — which stands in the predominantly Italian American neighborhood — has been covered with a wooden box since Mayor Jim Kenney ordered it to be covered up during the George Floyd riots in June 2020.

The Philadelphia Historical Commission later voted to remove the Columbus statue, which officially started a lengthy legal battle. Italian American organizations have fought to keep the statue up, which is currently painted in the colors of the Italian flag. MORE

6 Comments on Wooden Box Covering South Philly Columbus Statue Must be Removed

  1. Seems like there used to be a group of Sicilian businessmen who got together to protect Italians when the police wouldn’t, big on “Protection” and such, capisce?

    Too bad those fellows aren’t around to have a little “talk” with the mayor and such about respect, can’t remember their name, started with an “M”…

  2. “Marconi” Park?
    That’s racist, too!

    They should change the name to “St. George Floyd Park!”
    Marconi wasn’t a drug-addled negro! He was an Italian who invented macaroni – or something – nothing as important as George Floyd’s life and works.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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