The Voting Fraud is Right Before Your Eyes – Nothing Will Be Done – IOTW Report

The Voting Fraud is Right Before Your Eyes – Nothing Will Be Done

Liz Harrington@realLizUSA

“The number of illegal votes cast in Arizona’s general election on November 8, 2022 far exceeds the 17,117 vote margin… “Witnesses who were present…show hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots infected the election in Maricopa County.”

“This case is about restoring trust in the election process — a trust that Maricopa County election officials and Hobbs have shattered.”

According to Cyber expert who worked for 9 years for same lab that certified Maricopa machines: “Machine failures Arizona voters experienced on Election Day could not have occurred absent intentional misconduct.”

Conservatively, between 15,603 and 29,257 Republican voters were disenfranchised because of the machines Whistleblowers: Over 300,000 mail-in ballots had no chain of custody, with no way of telling if they are legal ballots

“Maricopa County elections officials allowed tens of thousands of ballots with signatures mismatches like this one to be counted in 2020. They did the same thing in the 2022 general election.”

“Signature matching” is a joke 2020 review of 230,339 envelopes: 18,022 “egregious” mismatches, more than entire 10,457 margin 19,631 failed standards And in 2022… 4,328 same names of the egregious mismatches “voted” again! 5,289 same names of bad standards voted again!

Whistleblowers on the “deep flaws” with signature matching equating to “tens of thousands of illegal ballots being counted”

Witness: “The math never added up.” 60,000 signatures processed per day, with 20-30% being rejected But only 1,000, ONE-TENTH, would be cured.

Managers were “reversing and approving signatures” that were rejected “Most of the work of these level 2 managers was not subject to the accountability of observers.” Rejected ballots sent through processing again because managers wanted them approved.

Witness: “There was no way to know who placed ‘verified’ stickers on ballots. The system was wide open to abuse.”

Third-party contractor Star Center cured ballots with no observers present “completely off site” And they “were not able to see the actual ballot with the signature on it” Sounds legit!

59% of Maricopa County’s 223 Vote Centers had printer and tabulator failures This disproportionally affected Election Day voters who went for Kari Lake 3:1.

Texts from techs hired by Maricopa County: “I’m having a 911” “Tabulators aren’t reading ballots. It’s maybe 50/50.” “…line around building all day.”

Maricopa Board of Supervisors claimed the tabulation issues were fixed by mid-afternoon Wrong. No fewer than 34 vote centers had tabulator breakdowns after 3 p.m. and throughout the day.

Poll worker testified approximately 175 at his vote center gave up because of the long lines and did not vote 68-year-old woman unable to vote for first time since 1981 due to inability to stand in 2-3 hour line on Election Day.

Uncounted “Door 3” ballots co-mingled with already tabulated ballots “…there is good reason to believe that the number of Door 3 ballots is far greater” than 16,724 that Maricopa County claims.

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors tried to cover up how many vote centers had lines of over 90 minutes long.

.@Peoples_Pundit found Republicans had issues trying to cast a ballot compared to Democrats at a margin of 58.6% to 15.5% A conservative estimate shows the tabulator breakdowns suppressed Kari Lake’s Election Day vote between 15,603 and 29,257 votes.

Wow! Katie Hobbs and Stephen Richer colluded with the federal government to censor Americans and infringe on their First Amendment rights Katie even complained about a *private* Facebook post stating Trump won.

7 Comments on The Voting Fraud is Right Before Your Eyes – Nothing Will Be Done

  1. Voter Fraud is Treason.

    Until we accept that and punish the fraudsters (both the actors and the financers) with death, it will continue.
    And we shouldn’t turn a blind eye to the complicit Media, without which the fraudsters could not continue, and the so-called organs of the state which are supposed to be ensuring election integrity.
    They need to hang. After trials and convictions, of course. By People’s Courts, not those corrupt shitbag bought-and-paid-for and blackmailed judges appointed by the same traitorous maggots who are facilitating voter fraud.

    Otherwise we drown in the cesspool of corruption and treason – and increasingly lose our ability to choose our agents and representatives – we degenerate from a Representative Republic to a Tyrannical Oligarchy.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. So ashamed of the state I was born and grew up in 😢🤠🌵

    Prayers for Kari in her lawsuit’s because she is going to need it 🙏

    Was having lunch with a friend yesterday and she thinks Cheatie Hobbs will go to prison.

    Told her I love her optimism but I’ve yet to see anybody even from the 2020 election debacle here go to the pokey 😩

  3. If anybody here thinks anything will change before the bodies start dropping, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you. No court, no prosecutor nor any jury will change the outcome of this rigged election.


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