Woody Allen Interviews Reverend Billy Graham (1969) – IOTW Report

Woody Allen Interviews Reverend Billy Graham (1969)

I can’t imagine a conversation today between two people on the opposite ends of the political and spiritual spectrum giving each other this amount of respect on television.

Moe Tom often says he has to turn the tv off when it inevitably becomes a shouting match, each believing they’ve won the debate if they get the last word in at 90 decibels.

This makes one long for the old days, a bit.

I know this is Woody Allen, and so many can’t stomach the guy for even a second, but this is a fascinating glimpse into how our culture has shifted from one of respect to one of disdain.

I’m no better. I loathe the left and find it difficult to allow them to spread their propaganda.

If this ups the ante any, I’d forgotten how handsome and charismatic Billy Graham was. He is very charming in this clip.

10 Comments on Woody Allen Interviews Reverend Billy Graham (1969)

  1. You don’t need to go all that far back to see a nice orderly respectful debate. Check out some of the old Firing Line debates with Buckley. The Left has gone militant.

  2. I can’t even wait until “they” start to yell at each other. I know that one is not supposed to “judge a book by its cover” but I now can spot a raging, frenzied, frothing libidiot within seconds, just by appearance and clothing. Of course, the label they use for themselves gives a lot away too. The rhetoric is invariant and has been for years now. I just turn it off or leave the room and the tube for Mrs. Enraged, who is more mature and even tempered than I. I’m just not going to waste any more time listening to vacuous idiocy or cynical attempts at brainwashing.

  3. “but this is a fascinating glimpse into how our culture has shifted from one of respect to one of disdain.”, We have held our charm and respect, they have “empowered” their disdain.

  4. The left is only willing to play by rules if they believe they will win.
    It’s no longer debatable; it’s amply clear, they are thieves and liars.

    “Peaceful transfer of power” was their chant until Gore lost and when Hitlery didn’t get her tiara that she was clearly entitled to, yet has eluded her since high school prom.

    Elections Matter. Sure they do. Not to the left and it’s goose-stepping media! Trump has endured more abuse and false accusations than any sitting President EVER. Imagine if someone paraded around the decapitated head of Bill Clinton. Were there hundreds of newshours spent by the networks interviewing the hotel maid that Gore molested? Where is the tell-all book penned by Tipper Gore?
    Hillary has yet to be charged with… perjury, obstruction, mishandling classified material, murder…. the left needs to be punished, not debated.


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