Woody Harrelson’s SNL Monologue Had Something to Say About the Jab – The Audience Went Silent – IOTW Report

Woody Harrelson’s SNL Monologue Had Something to Say About the Jab – The Audience Went Silent

30 Comments on Woody Harrelson’s SNL Monologue Had Something to Say About the Jab – The Audience Went Silent

  1. He had a part of it nailed down. The people sitting down behind him looked scared $hitless. The people have finally woken up out of their slumber. No more free money, they gotta go back to work. Woody is 2 years too late.

  2. Don’t spread your arms like like, Woody. You might get crucified for your blasphemy. Especially if Pfizer w
    is a show sponsor. Which it probably is. Your manager Jeremy probably shit his pants.

  3. He broke two rules of comedy: You can’t joke about people’s religion or their children. The libs in the audience put their faith in big gov’t/pharma and they got their children vaxxed. Not funny. The truth hurts.

    I do wonder if Woody thought he would get a laugh or if he is daring TPTB to cancel him for telling the truth on live TV.

  4. Seems like that WASN’T in the script, if you know what I mean. NBC never would have allowed it.
    It was Woodys little surprise.
    Good on him!
    He may not work in Hollywood EVER again, but I’m glad he said it!

  5. Dilbert by Scott Adams was just totally removed from all the comics pages across the country as of yesterday because he spoke the truth about black/ white relationships. This sucks, so much for humor and free speech of which the cowardly chickenshit left has none. Fuck the left, I hate the humorless bastards. I’m gonna miss Dilbert and I wonder what comic strip is next to be removed because of the humorless lefty progtards. There is an article in today’s American Thinker about this.

  6. Scott Adams got the John Derbyshire treatment because he also spoke the truth about black/white relationships. And Mark Steyn in the UK has also been canceled recently by the BBC for getting too close to the truth of which the bastards on the left can have none.

  7. Al Capp of Lil Abner fame and Walt Kelly from Pogo (we have met the enemy and he is us) would be totally taboo on the comic strips pages nowadays due to their politically incorrect views which were hilarious during their heyday of the 40’s thru the 60’s. And don’t even get me started on the original Popeye comics by EC Segar from the 30’s, he’d be banned as well. Humor and satire as well as parody are not leftist virtues, they hate to be mocked and made fun of.

  8. Remember how Al Capp in Lil Abner mercilessly mocked Joan Baez as Joanie Phony or Phony Joanie back in the late 60’s, especially in the great big color Sunday comic strips. I loved the Sunday color funnies back then before they were all downsized into relative oblivion like they are now.

  9. @geoff – Dilbert is always available at dilbert.com.
    Here is NBC Twitter link to the monologue, since it got pulled from YouTube:

  10. Scott Adams also said that the nonjabbers won. He conceded that we won. He didn’t have the balls to say we were right, nor did Woody. They just stand there with the “Stoopid me, I did it” look. There’s a lot to be said for peace of mind – something Woody and Scott don’t have. Don’t tell me I won, tell me I was right. 🙂

  11. so the COMMIE FASCISTS at YouTube pulled because Why would you need to hear the truth? Let’s continue the Censorship while we tell teh Tic Tok Generation that Trump is a Fascist. Yup…we are doomed

  12. Starts at about 5:45 in if you go to YouTube

    Of course they went silent. The only idiots who would be in the studio audience would be the full on followers of the “current thing.” My buddy’s sister who ended up in the hospital with myocarditis and said people who didn’t get injected should be put into concentration camps just the other day was talking about “how we all were fooled.” She is not willing to admit she is a fucking idiot, but it’s someone else’s fault because we all were fooled. No, not at all, you are among about half the country that are fucking idiots and narcissistic fucking idiots at that.

  13. Scott Adams went ballistic against black folk the other day.
    Rightfully so.
    I was surprised there wasn’t a post on iotw about it.
    Should have been posted here…sigh*

    It was an epic rant that will likely get Dilbert removed from every newspaper in the country that still carries it.

  14. One of Woody Harrelson’s funnier jokes was from the Prairie Home Companion movie where he played Dusty of Dusty and Lefty the two stupid cowpokes from Garrison Keillor’s weekly monologues about Lake Wobegone and told the joke, Why is diarrhea hereditary? Because it runs in your genes. Other than that, funny gross kids joke he’s really not funny.

  15. Lefty or not, I say it’s his last time on SNL. They won’t risk THAT again. Only way is if management is taken over by a non-woke entity. Not holding my breath on that happening.

    I guess we won’t know if it’s his last until he passes.

    I thought it was an awkward delivery. The silent audience at that part made it more so.

    You know, there’s always a chance they didn’t make the connection and wondered what he was talking about. They ARE that stupid.


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