Woolly Bears And Winter – IOTW Report

Woolly Bears And Winter

Here in Wisconsin we begin talking about winter in August. The discussion around the breakfast table this morning was about how to judge the severity of the upcoming winter by studying woolly bear caterpillars. When it comes to folklore and weather, there’s no better source than The Old Farmer’s Almanac. Here

23 Comments on Woolly Bears And Winter

  1. I flew to Milwaukee last month. Shortly before landing in the late evening, we flew just to the west of Chicago. I could see the entire city lit up in the darkness and could make out most of it’s features, even from forty thousand feet. I thought I could even hear the sounds of the feral youts busting caps in each others asses. Just sayin”.

  2. I’m an advocate of the Wooly Bear Caterpillar theory (actually a much better predictor than AlGore & the ‘Climate Change’ Luddites)

    … that’s why I go out of my way to stomp on the ones w/ the most black on them
    (ain’t White Privilege stuff, just do what I can to avoid cold winters)

    & Farmer’s Almanac is more correct than the NWS

  3. Does the sign of Canada geese milling around and looking like they may be headed South have any effect on how soon Winter will be here or not? It is almost the first of Sept. and Labor day is only 8 or 9 days away so we’ll see how soon Fall and Winter get here. And we’ve already lost an hr. of daylight over the last month, the Sun is coming up at 6 AM now, I don’t like the shorter and shorter days and longer and longer nights.

  4. Damn Canadian Geese don’t leave where I live in Michigan anymore because all the idiots parking on the river watching freighters go by think it’s cute to feed them. Signs everywhere saying not to feed them but people can’t read. And watch where you walk because they think they’re in San Fran!

  5. Same discussion here too. It has been the second wettest summer recorded, ( it has crimped my fishing & hiking & ruined a lot of vegetable gardens) and people are saying / wondering if it stays the same through winter months there will be record snow fall. In which case you hang out in a warm house and hear about how it’s all due to global warming.

  6. The solution to Canadian Geese is coyotes, or, a good shotgun and collaborating neighbors. BTW, don the Left Coast, most Canadian Geese don’t migrate (at least not very far).

  7. Very wet summer here in Upstate NY. First time our yard has not needed any watering! Also first time in 8 years we did not work our garden – it is straight weeds armpit high. THANK GOODNESS we took this particular year off to be lazy and to let our soil have a break!


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