Word of the Day – IOTW Report

Word of the Day

I get “word of the day” in my email.

Today’s word is Furbelow. lolol.

26 Comments on Word of the Day

  1. Furbelow?!… Is that in Fahrenheit or Celcius?


    A frill, flounce, or ruffle, as on clothing; a decorative piece of fabric, especially one gathered or pleated as into a ruffle, etc.
    A small, showy ornamentation.

    To adorn with a furbelow; to ornament.

  2. Angus
    MONDAY, 12 FEBRUARY 2024, 16:07 AT 4:07 PM
    “Loco, is that something that could affect your vision?”

    …could be…

    “It’s MY penis and MY soap, so I will embrocate it as fast and as much as I want to!”

  3. Wild Bill MONDAY, 12 FEBRUARY 2024, 15:24 AT 3:24 PM

    I’m fascinated by etymology.


    Just had a DOH! moment when checking your link.

    I have dealt with furdowns in homes for over 42 years, in one capacity or another. Even constructed a few.

    Never thought about it before, but it makes sense now why they are called that.

  4. @Rabbit

    May I askew, have you heard of Luke Askew, the actor?

    He was once in a movie called Rolling Thunder (around 1977), where he played a bad guy named Automatic Slim. Him and his gang shoved the hand of a returned POW Air Force officer Major Rane (William Devane) into an in-sinkerator and turned it on, destroying his hand, so in the rest of the movie, Rane had a hook for a hand. It was also the first movie I ever saw with Tommy Lee Jones (Master Sargent Vogn).

    Overall, a pretty good movie.


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