Words Have Meanings – IOTW Report

Words Have Meanings

I received an e-mail where someone alerted me to some shenanigans on Google translation.

Google makes sure the left’s agenda is framed the way they want it framed in Google translations.


FACT:  Pro Vida = pro life if you translate from Spanish to English

So switch your google page to google.es  (Spanish)

Translate to english –  pro vida = pro life

Switch your google page  back to English, translate pro life from English to Spanish using google.

Pro life =  antiabortista

But if you switch back to google.es and translate antiabortista the result is:

antiabortista = antiabortion

– Frank B.




9 Comments on Words Have Meanings

  1. Hold on. It isn’t quite that simple.

    If you use translate.google.com to translate the English phrase pro-choice or pro-life it returns a favor del aborto o pro-vida.

    In other words, in a phrase, the term “pro-choice” becomes (in literal re-translation) “in favor of abortion”.

  2. Changing the definitions of words is the only way the left can hide the ugly truth of their beliefs / actions from unsuspecting people..

    For instance, the word fetus is defined in medical terms by most dictionaries as “An unborn mammal from when its adult features become recognizable. In humans, this is in the ninth week of development.” In a fetus, all major body organs are present.

    (from Latin: offspring, brood)

    But pro-abortion people nefariously define fetus as “a clump of cells” which implies an unrecognizable, amorphous blob of goo that has no inherent design or purpose.

    Only in this way can they convince a woman that abortion is not the murder of her own child.

    If google used the true definition of abortion:

    abortion = murder of a baby

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