World Economic Forum Speaker Reveals the True Power Behind Governments’ Digital Currencies – IOTW Report

World Economic Forum Speaker Reveals the True Power Behind Governments’ Digital Currencies

Federalist Papers

The global elites who run the World Economic Forum are slowly but surely revealing how they will be able to manipulate digital currencies, and it is rather concerning — to say the least.

Over the last three years, the WEF has been promoting its “Great Reset”, a plan for a complete and radical restructuring of the global economy in response to the pandemic and climate change. The idea of this “Great Reset” was summed up by the infamous phrase, “You will own nothing and be happy.”

Now, speakers at WEF conferences are sharing the details of how exactly this “Great Reset” will be carried out.

During a speech at the WEF’s 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin, China, at the end of June, Eswar Prasad of Cornell University spoke about how governments can program and manipulate Central Bank Digital Currencies.

In short, Prasad said that CBDCs could be programmed by governments to prevent purchases that are deemed “less desirable” by those in power. more

21 Comments on World Economic Forum Speaker Reveals the True Power Behind Governments’ Digital Currencies

  1. A lot of us have been saying for years that this was the goal of digital currency and cashless societies.
    Guess that’s another “conspiracy theory” that’s been proven to be truth.

  2. These “Elites” are very stoooopid people. Watch them create HUGE underground economy. I think they’re to for removed from what a dollar represents. Lets take the currency out of the equation. I’ll mow your lawn for a box of 45 acp.

  3. Many of us have been squawking about the world government schemes for the last forty years or more. We’ve been labeled conspiracy nuts, tin foil hat extremists and the like, but the program has continued as generally outlined. It’s almost as though they have and have had a plan or something!

    Once the cash is gone the overlords rule every moment in every life of every person who wishes to participate in the economic system. With cash the filthiest Ruthenian beggar can trade a chit for some food, equal to the highest lord of the WEF elite. With digital control there will be no beggars, there will be no way for them to accumulate chits through begging.

    A friend once said, socialism works fine if everyone just goes along. The ant in that sugar bowl is the one who doesn’t go along, and in every system some don’t go along… like that beggar… with CBDCs those who don’t go along will be outlaws and undoubtedly, based on history, will be tracked down and exterminated one way or the other.

    Welcome to your future, blithe spirit, prepare to obey your overlords in total or suffer the consequences for failing to do so.

  4. Brad – Stupid or not, these Elites understand that knocking the United States off its perch as an economic driver goes a loong way to being able to accomplish establishing a world economy! Softening up the West with Global Warming fear-mongering, gender dysphoria, destroying Christianity and destroying our domestic manufacturing are all key parts of it as well. Let’s hope we can get a grip on this insanity before we turn into Bartertown!

  5. TRF

    ” before we turn into Bartertown”

    I think it’s to late. Look at our debt. And what backs up our currency? Mean while they just keep printing. And all this had to be intentional.

  6. Agenda 47 – No that’s fighting fire with fire!
    Anyone who believes in the United States, or just wants to benefit from the spin-off benefits of a strong, healthy United States should support Agenda 47. It has been proven many times over and over again that when the United States does well, everyone does well. That’s why they’re scared shitless of Donald Trump!

  7. I agree that Digital Currency is Obviously About Control on EVERY LEVEL.

    The only thing the article get wrong is that the Government wants us Watching Pornography & Taking Drugs.

    Nice & Brainwashed in front of Our Screens and in a drugged out Trance.

  8. I daily pray for WEF principalities, WEF powers, the WEF dark forces of this age, and the WEF heavenly hosts of wickedness in the heavenly realms to be spiritually destroyed by the Nazarene.

  9. Trump has a plan, during his term America went 7.5 trillion more into debt. So with inflation his plan is to take us 10-11 trillion more into debt or just bankrupt America.

  10. So with inflation his plan is to take us 10-11 trillion more into debt or just bankrupt America.

    I disagree. There is a YUGE flywheel effect that we have to overcome before we can start paying down the debt.

  11. Trumps plan to pay down the debt would have taken effect his second term. He was going to use revenues from oil exports to pay it down. Even Neil Cavuto had to admit it was a winner. And now we don’t have any oil and we for damn sure don’t have any real money.

  12. @Kcir

    Damned right. To the WEF, ammo is bad, while drugs and porno are good. Watch what they do, not what they say for public consumption.

    It’ll be a cold day in hell when they target those who buy drugs and porno.

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