Revolver –
You might be wondering, who is Jeffrey Sachs? Well, Jeffrey Sachs is a world-renowned economics professor, bestselling author, and a global leader in sustainable development. Now, he’s also known as the man who revealed Biden’s massive blunder in Ukraine.

Sachs launched a tirade against Biden, calling out how his “Ukraine plan” not only failed miserably but also cost tens of thousands of lives. There is blood on Biden’s hands right now, and the worst part about all of this is that Biden had a chance to stop it but didn’t. watch
What do you mean failed??? Biden $ucceeded beyond his wilde$t dream$!
Barry called it, never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck stuff up.
Anyone surprised Biden caused a catastrophe through foreign policy hasn’t paid any attention to Biden’s long history of being polar oppositely wrong or outright corrupt abroad.
Congress has to keep the coffers sealed and force him to abandon Zelensky before this nation losses all credibility with the rest of the world. He’s a frigging disasters.
The reason the rest of the world hated the US when Trump was President and loves us again with Biden is because the US didn’t take s**t off of anybody when Trump was in charge.
Obama willingly gave away the store. Biden lets the rest of the world rob us blind.
The sad thing is, the rest of the world was probably better off with Trump.Yes, he was a tough negotiator, but he also knew how to give the other side something so that they also felt like they won. Of course,those with TDS said that made Trump an enemy agent.
We have used Ukraine to do just about everything but spit in Putin’s face and yet we wonder why Russia attacked. I read years ago that a big reason Russia seems to have expansionist desires is because, throughout history, they have had to fight off attack after attack from countries to to West of them. Then we set up Ukraine to be poised to do it again and then we were surprised when Russia got pissed.
The priority was to loot the Treasury and deplete our resources.
Any way to weaken America!
Ask Jackass Joe before his morning meds about the Ukraine war and he’ll say “What war?”
^^ Re our depleted (weapons) resources, we can always buy them back on the black market.
Good Heavens, Biden is just an ignorant pawn of the treasonous Barry Soetoro. The goal is to break the USA and turn it into a migrant cesspool in order to make the US another Satanic Muslim shit box. Bankrupt the US with war mongering political morons telling the American public to go fuck yourselves. People seem to forget that Barry stated while ‘lecturing’ at Harvard that there was no provision in the Constitution for the redistribution of wealth. The only thing left in the US is 11 million illegals getting healthcare, food, housing, smart phones and transportation into the country. So now, the Demoncrat mayors are crying their asses off because there is nothing left to give to the darkies. Mr. Shartpants just sits back as a baffoon that can’t read a teleprompter and I would bet a paycheck he doesn’t even know where the Ukraine is. All while our elected officials tell us to get vaxed, eat bugs, increase your taxes, destroy our climate, appliances, automobiles and pay homage to a bunch of car jackers and grifters that are already proving themselves as a superior race.(according to the government controlled media) No, Biden did not fail, Obama, Demoncrats and the Rino’s succeeded. And they succeeded by telling the tax payers – Fuck you, you don’t get a thing, vote for me again so I can give away more of your hard earned money.
The US has sent so much military aid to Ukraine to the point of seriously depleting our own supplies of equipment and ammunition, or so I’ve read here at IOTW and other places.
If that is true, it allows Biden and his government an easy excuse to weasel out of any commitment to Taiwan.
US sending a few warships through the straits of Taiwan is just cheap saber rattling, designed to give some comfort to the Taiwanese. It won’t deter the PRC at all.
A professor of idiotology. He takes being a numbskull to a new extreme. What does the price of freedom cost, what is it worth? This is the Ukrainian people’s choice that they made, not Joe Biden’s, moron. Russia winning, sure they are but only in your tiny mind. This bullshit is exactly what one expects from a MAGA cult member.
“…and a global leader in sustainable development.” = WEF
Yeah, right; as if I’d care about anything he has to say.
Biden is a traitor, and so is his controlling wife. They both belong on a gallows.
@ Anonymous Asshat, SUNDAY, 31 DECEMBER 2023, 13:16 AT 1:16 PM
Fuck Ukraine. In a war between two corrupt regimes, I will support the one that doesn’t funnel money back to President* Poopy Pants.
Not only could Biden have stopped it, he could have prevented it from starting. The US told Ukraine to walk away from negotiations before the Russian invasion.
Remember that Trump was impeached for a phone call to Ukraine. But Biden skates after wrecking Ukraine and wiping out a generation of their menfolk.
The Beatles wrote a song about Joe Biden, it is called “I’m a LOSER”.
Whadya think the whole Afghanistan weapons dump wuz all about…Hmmmmmmm???