World War Ruth About To Be Touched Off – IOTW Report

World War Ruth About To Be Touched Off

Kurt Schlichter

The fact is that soon we’re going to have six conservatives on SCOTUS, or actually, five-and-a-half if you count Justice Soft Serve Roberts.

And when this all goes down, the left will freak out in a festival of freaking outness unparalleled in American history. The Dem candidates will go nuts. Big Chief Warren will be on the warpath, Bernie will call for revolution, Harris will say whatever she thinks is useful, Biden will start talking about how JFK visited him in the White House, and Beto will continue to be a furry. More

25 Comments on World War Ruth About To Be Touched Off

  1. If Trump really wants leftist heads to explode he should convince Thomas to retire and replace him with a young Conservative that will be on the bench for 30 years

  2. They are going to scream like, well, like they did last time. Any threats of ‘this time it will be worse’ or ‘this time we’re super cereal’ are BS – they gave it all they had with Kavanaugh and the #metoo lie.
    I really hope Trump nominates Barrett. Although I don’t know a great deal about any potential nominee she seems properly conservative, and when the Left tries a character assassination of a woman it will convert a lot more middle voters.

    Also with Barrett the religious test will come to front and center – a test specifically proscribed in the Constitution.

  3. The demise of Darth Bader will strike a blow for freedom and the Republics rebel forces.

    The cruel and inhuman Empire will be driven to its knees and eradicated from the galaxy.

  4. If they had not been so sure Hillary was going to win RBG could have done the right thing and stepped down during Obama’s term. Frankly when someone can’t stay awake for a state of the union address for 90 minutes at 8 pm it is time to retire.

  5. Evidently, the first time RBG was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, it was discovered very early after she was given a scan following her treatment for colon cancer. She didn’t beat Stage IV pancreatic cancer. I’ve read several articles that address her current medical condition. Some knowledgeable people believe that she is not going to last that much longer, and others think that she might hang on for another Supreme Court session. Nevertheless, it’s not going to be a successful calamity for the Democrats when they attack the next Trump Supreme Court nominee. They won’t be able to restrain themselves or keep their knives in their scabbards.

  6. Pogo
    AUGUST 26, 2019 AT 5:46 PM
    “RBG will have to be buried seated upon her Supreme Court Throne…”

    …RBG is so twisted, they’ll have to SCREW her into the ground…


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