Worldwide Tyranny and It is Getting Worse – IOTW Report

Worldwide Tyranny and It is Getting Worse

31 Comments on Worldwide Tyranny and It is Getting Worse

  1. Why are the police acting against those who would have previously supported them. I remember a video from a couple a years ago where to (female) police officers in the UK where getting the stuffing beaten out of the, and people were pretty much just walking by. As I recall, it was not a bad neighborhood — people were just fed up.

    As SNS suggested, I bet Australians are happy they gave up their guns.

  2. American patriots, easily, outnumber the dumb-phucks that are willing to destroy this country.

    The hesitancy, in my opinion, is the simple lack of a leader.

    Which is EXACTLY why Trump was so mercilessly attacked.

  3. LBS: they won’t feel it when they are drawn and quartered if they have already been hung.

    If they are so happy to violate the Nuremberg Protocols, they won’t mind if we violate the Geneva Convention as it applies to the torture of prisoners.

  4. @RadioMattM

    Hanging, drawing, and quartering was a common punishment. The victims were hung only for a while–NOT to the point of death–and then cut down and drawn and quartered while still alive. To prolong the agony and increase the public display.

  5. This is what Chinese with their Global Corporate control of the world looks like.

    In that world, we either kill them, or they kill us. Peaceful protests are obsolete.

  6. “The assholes are rounding up 24 thousand children and giving them the vax without their parents permission.”

    I have found not one written word to confirm this. Help me out.

  7. non-solicited PSA:
    Please take some time tomorrow, or even right now, to appreciate God’s wonderful creation that we live in. Appreciate the creation and the Creator. And then do that every day until your demise. It will be to your benefit. Put some good spirituality in your head- the negative is pushed so hard.
    We really do live in paradise, but everywhere/everything is plastered with fear and hate by media and politicians. That has to be addressed, for sure, but don’t miss how how fortunate we are and how beautiful things are beneath all this chaos.

  8. Well most Aussies know where to get a gun. From a cop. WTF? Off your knees and into your feet. If it is true that they’re rounding up their kids WTF? Rebelling is not an option, it’s your Freaken duty.

  9. Off topic but related; Keep an eye on Portland tomorrow. I have a sense that after what Antifa did to the Christian group a couple weeks ago, patriotic Americans are going to show up prepared. This shit has to stop.

  10. There is only one way to deal with a bully and we all know what it is. Nothing else has ever yielded any positive result. I damn good ass kicking is what it takes and it only takes once.

  11. There are always bullies in every high school. They usually go on to be bullies after high school unless they are reigned in. A sudden and crushing kick to the nuts is great but exposes one to retribution. When a bully experiences a series of unfortunate misfortunes like his car mysteriously bursting into flames and is discreetly made aware of the reason why, well, the bully tendency in them begins to taper off. Sometimes, it takes a large amount of misfortune to turn a bully around and sometimes it only takes a little. It all depends on the bully and knowing what will change his outlook.

  12. The difference between SUBJECTS and FREE MEN.
    And we are allowing ourselves to become SUBJECTS – not of the Crown, but of Nihilistic Totalitarianism.

    Whither next? In Chains to Babylon?

    izlamo delenda est …


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