Worrying Signs for Dems the Youth Vote Is Going to Abandon Them – IOTW Report

Worrying Signs for Dems the Youth Vote Is Going to Abandon Them

Gateway Pundit

Less young people are identifying as Democrats and this has some Biden supporters worried that they won’t show up to vote for him in 2024.

These young voters are not becoming Republicans, they are becoming independents. Far left, progressive independents.

The Democrat party has been headed for this split for a decade or more. The Bernie/AOC wing of the party does not identify with the establishment wing. More

15 Comments on Worrying Signs for Dems the Youth Vote Is Going to Abandon Them

  1. Only because I respect proper English and see this far too often. FEWER YOUNG PEOPLE is the proper English. And so long as they are stupid enough to vote for a Democrat, the DNC could care less. Republican behavior, stands on the issues, or non-stop demonization of Trump or the GOP candidate, will ensure a Democrat vote by these non-thinkers.

  2. “These young voters are not becoming Republicans, they are becoming independents. Far left, progressive independents.”

    This essentially means that their voting habits will not change, only affiliation, which still does us no good.

    Youngsters will NOT abandon the party that will forgive student loans, give them free abortions, have trans freaks at The White House, strengthen racial politics, punish the white man, and bad mouth a country they view as complicit in the world’s ills. And gives them free shit.

    The only chance to convert them is if they open their eyes, value their liberties, and understand the downside of trading freedoms for pretend security. I just don’t see that happening soon.

  3. Why should young voters vote for joey they have the most to lose and they know it. Maybe young people are just as aware as us old farts are that joey is a fraud and a liar and a senile old retard who needs to be put out to pasture before he can ruin their future lives. And maybe they hate joey as much or than we did Nixon.

  4. Considering 40% Gen-Z identifies with the LGBTQIA2S+ mafia and the other 60% support those 40%, it looks like a 100% lock with the degeneracy of democrats. There are a few outliers, like my Gen-Z children, who are harassed at school over their conservative values by the group-think primates, but there aren’t enough to move the needle. It got this way because all they are taught in school is LGBT, climate crisis, and racism, among other democrat talking points. What they know about conservatism and constitutional liberties has come from parents who take the time to teach it and open their mind, against all odds.

  5. Is 35 and 39 still a youth? Because my nieces ain’t gonna vote for anybody but a democrat ever….It’s impossible to discuss anything remotely political with them….sad ….


    Until the GOP learns how to cheat too or to stop the Dems cheating it simply does not matter. Nothing Does. Look at dead man walking Fetterman? You think he got more votes than anyone? Look at Biden, he never left the basement and got 81 million votes! RIGHT! And funny how each swing state stopped counting votes all at once and then resumed 4 hours later with a massive turn towards Biden out of no where…..it just doesn’t matter who runs and this is all theater.

  7. Maybe they are starting to wake up and realize the Demoncrats don’t give a sh!t about them. Demoncrats are so supportive of illegals and getting them to vote demoncrat that they have told the young stupid ones to kiss off. Sooner than later the young demoncrats will wake up and realize that they destroyed our country. It will be too late after Russia nukes the USA. Only then will they slap their own faces and wonder what happened. Time for them to down the estrogen and grow tits because they certainly cannot grow balls…. Pray to G-d for protection against this evil.

  8. So the generation that gets tats, piercings, purple hair, vaxxed, hates oil, hates jews, hates Trump loves Hollywood because everyone else does are independent?


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