Worst Majors by Income – IOTW Report

Worst Majors by Income


Students who major in liberal arts, performing arts and theology earn the lowest salaries within five years of graduating from college, a recent New York Federal Reserve analysis reveals.

All three majors made a median annual income of $38,000, the lowest out of the 75 majors in the study. Other low-paying majors include leisure and hospitality, history, fine arts and psychology, all of which made $40,000 or less per year. More

19 Comments on Worst Majors by Income

  1. Damn! I woulda thought that xxxx Studies would have been the lowest!

    Color me shocked! Unless, of course, the xxxx Studies grads didn’t have any employment, at all.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Same as it was 64 yers ago. I love history; so I was always #1 in history classes from 1949 to 1961. But never considered a degree in history because I was far from rich. I “worked the fields” as a kid to pay for college TO MAKE $! Which is why I ws a CFO before I retired. Still love history; history still does not make $!

  3. Biden hates Jews
    Because of WETBACK. I had 3 history “A”s downgraded to “B”s, Still graduated in upper decile.
    “Bush Republican” teachers are still Adam and Liz “Republicans”!

    That has not changed in 70 years either!

  4. I’d like to have seen some trades included in that report. Compare welders, diesel mechanics, plumbers, electricians, heavy equipment operators, etc., to the kollidge kids.

  5. Who knows what the rules are now but last time we applied for a home loan they said the house we wanted to finance could not be more than 3 times my annual gross. Good luck finding a 120K house in a safe neighborhood in America.

  6. From the time grand kids were small we’ve been telling them there would be no financial support from us if they wanted to go to college and get worthless degrees.

  7. My three remaining sons are all making well into the six-figures working for semiconductor manufacturing companies. A healthy work ethic paired with common sense often trumps a college degree. No student debt or warped ideas about how the world functions are an added bonus.

  8. I have an Information System Management degree and Air Force Satcom Maintenance tech certificate. With the IT bust in 2001 I could not find an IT job even though I had Microsoft/Cisco/Lotus certs. I looked for a job as a Satcom tech. I started $11k more than I had been making as a project manager and my pay doubled in 3 years. A college degree can help but it is not necessary.

  9. In all seriousness friends, ELEVATOR REPAIR pays Big time in Canuckistan.

    If you have kids who are technical but not University Types that’s a high demand high $$$ trade.


  10. My Bachelors of Science is worthless. My Associates degree RN makes me feel stalked with the insane amount of recruiters reaching out daily. They get lists from the Board of Nursing which tells me the BoN is on the take, thanks you crooked fookers. It’s calls, texts, emails every damn day. Last offer here in TN that wasn’t travel nursing was $50/hr. Travel nursing is more like $75/hr.

    That bachelor’s cost about $40k back in 1992. The associates degree cost $10k in 2003. Go figure.

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