Would-Be Kavanaugh Assassin Has a Secret That the Lefty Media Won’t Touch – IOTW Report

Would-Be Kavanaugh Assassin Has a Secret That the Lefty Media Won’t Touch

He was a tranny.

11 Comments on Would-Be Kavanaugh Assassin Has a Secret That the Lefty Media Won’t Touch

  1. A mental defective walking the streets and being manipulated by FBLiars?
    And then he(?) does a truly retarded thing?
    Color me shocked!
    Isn’t that why spook agencies always recruit faggots and other head cases?
    Already wired wrong and more easily subject to psy-ops?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Was he a 3 in the tree or a 4 on the floor tranny or an automatic 2 speed Power Glide tranny? I liked it better when tranny used to describe what kind of transmission that your car had. Tranny like the word gay (homosexual) has lost its meaning to only describe transsexual freaks in current lingo.


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