Would it make this guy feel better if she said she is just “barebacking”? – IOTW Report

Would it make this guy feel better if she said she is just “barebacking”?

An obviously gay guy gets hysterical when he sees a woman in the store without wearing a mask and berates her.

I couldn’t help but think about how many in the gay community defy the practice of safe sex and “bareback”. Does this guy go to the bathhouses and give a similar rant to the “adventurers”?

I doubt it.

When the gay community got fed up with having their hedonistic lifestyles disrupted with safe sex guidelines and lockdowns, they blamed Reagan when AIDS exploded.

ht/ jerry manderin

30 Comments on Would it make this guy feel better if she said she is just “barebacking”?

  1. Thick tongue “straights” get on my nerves real easy too.
    I just think it’s ironic that one of the most deadly epidemics was largely met with a “fuck this” attitude in the gay community.

  2. His behavior constitutes ‘assault.’ It was malevolent and threatening. In a proper world, he would be found guilty, warned and fined.

    Or severely beaten about the head and shoulders by men who witnessed it.

  3. Is he wearing a mask? Hell yes. Guess he should have had a couple on. I’d a made him crawl out of the store licking the floor all the way.
    The stores around here still have their signs up requiring masks. More and more people are ignoring the signs and the stores are not enforcing it. Problem is eventually you run into a virtue signaling Karen that want’s to put their lives in danger.

  4. My daughter probably would have decked him. She’s not all that nice these days. She was telling me about her adventure at the store today. In my neck of the woods there are only maybe 1 to 2% of people who still wear masks in stores and they’re always running their mouths, just not most brave enough to get in your face to do so.
    So she was on an aisle looking for something and this lady in her 60’s had her mask on, staying 10 feet or so away from her, she thought it was funny so she kept inching towards her to watch her back up. The lady’s husband comes up and puts something in the basket and tells him they can’t go that way because that girl doesn’t have a mask on, she’s sick of these idiots trying to kill everyone and they should be forced to wear one.

    So as they’re leaving in the parking lot, the couple is in front of her and she sees they’re going to walk behind her van so she pushes the key fob to make the back hatch open up to try and hit them. She said she knows it’s not nice, but she’s sick of these idiots in their masks still wanting everyone to be forced to wear a face diaper and whining everyone is trying to kill them, so if she’s such a bad person, hitting them accidentally on purpose is only what they deserve.

    I just turn the tables on them, for a year I heard, “if you don’t want to wear a mask stay home.” So I tell them if you don’t want to be around people without masks, stay home.
    They really don’t like it when you tell them, just like they’re now in the minority and basically lepers for wearing their masks, what they tried to make the rest of us, it won’t be long and their shedding vaccine will make them the lepers not allowed in stores.

  5. Nice looking lady. She handled it well by letting him make an ass socket of himself.

    If I was there, all I would do is ask if she wanted me to walk her to the car in case she felt Chasten was going to harass her further.

  6. BC Canada was encouraging safe sex with Glory Holes stating that in many cases it was safer because there was less human contact.

    Too tired to give the address for the article…

  7. The last person to mumble (pull it up), was barely audible as I passed him going in to a CVS for my dog’s meds. He was a 6′ 4′ bearded dude that only made flitting eye contact with me. I smiled at the idea he thought he was filtering anything with that damn full beard holding it off his face.

    Not a single employee said a thing and I had two lengthy conversations with them that day. I had a neck gaiter around my neck because I’ll pull it up if a customer insists – it’s their house.

    I should train myself to spit out some retort as I keep walking by like
    – you must be a democrat
    – Hi Karen!
    – Masks don’t do anything
    – nope!
    – go home, be safe
    – take your vitamins
    – I’m no health threat to you
    – I’ll never catch covid
    – just take care of yourself. I’m fine
    – you’ve been lied to

    As it is, I just smile/smirk at them then ignore them

    I’ve told two street beggars now that they don’t need to wear masks outside. Gotta signal you’re hep with what’s going on. I made no difference, but they heard the truth.

    The black beggar guy at a gas station a few years ago that said “Hand’s up don’t shoot”, as he raised his hands, had just gotten out of prison and thought he was doing the popular thing that everyone was on board with.

    We had a talk. I wasn’t mad, but told him he might not like the response he gets from the next guy. It was offensive and a lie.

  8. I live in a neighborhood in a rural area of Maryland – 3+ acre lots and many woods and farm fields in between. Many libtards have moved out here over the last 30 years because the cities they ruined (B-more and DC) are too scary for them anymore.
    Today while I was mowing my lawn I saw two libtards walking down the road in front of my house wearing masks. Not another person in sight except me, 100 yards away.
    These people are just plain stupid.

  9. @ Jethro MAY 8, 2021 AT 6:12 PM

    Ha ! I see that all the time in Dallas. Not as much as last year, but still happening.

    I bet those libtards glared at you if they saw you without your civil suppression system in place.

  10. “Aaaaaand you are who/what to me, that I should listen and pay attention to anything you spew? Now go away, little one, I scoff in your general direction.”

  11. I got asked by the manager to leave an AutoZone here in Phoenix yesterday because I wasn’t “wearing”.
    1st time I’ve encountered this and I haven’t worn a mask anywhere except grocery stores or restaurants since our “pandemic” struck us down.

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