Would Laura Ingraham Make a Good Trump Administration Press Secretary? – IOTW Report

Would Laura Ingraham Make a Good Trump Administration Press Secretary?

She does a good job of dressing down the bleating Juan Williams.

ht/ c. steven tucker

60 Comments on Would Laura Ingraham Make a Good Trump Administration Press Secretary?

  1. It is high time for some direct, hard-hitting honesty for a real change and Laura’s a good choice.
    I, for one, will be glad to see the end of smarmy, lying, little, condescending Commie Cock-suckers who find it humorous to come up with ever new ways to lie to the American public!

  2. I know someone who was one of her highest ranking employees and this person spoke of a horrible work environment with high turnover because ingraham is a world class beehotch. Tirades, insults, derision. and Hillary like demeanor.

    She might be perfect for the job but her self obsession may disqualify her.

    I have another story too, but I am sworn to secrecy on that one.

    My vote is no.

  3. It involves an elected member of congress that I volunteered as a driver for during his first campaign so so we spent hours with. Had ingraham in for a fundraiser and her selfabsortion prevented her from mingling with the small group of patriots. Jeff sessions was there and was gracious with the crowd, pressing the flesh and talking one on one with anyone who wished to engage

  4. Agree with Uncle Al. Paul Joseph Watson would be fantastic!

    Laura would be ok, but I was originally thinking Ann Coulter. Somebody who can inform, and take no shit from the enemedia.

  5. I feel Laura would make a exceptional Press Secretary. And. as Tony R. said, the last good PS was Tony Snow (RIP) They lady is smart as a whip and is a pleasure to look at. I wonder will she be allowed to wear the Crucifix?
    PHenry do you know people who work for Kellyanne Conway also? You seem so sure that she doesn’t have a Hillary personality, and deserves your approval. What bullshit!

  6. @moetom

    I know nothing of Kelly Anne. I just know what I know about ingraham due to happenstances and friends. I have known them for years and trust them.

    Sorry I ever brought it up but this post asked the question.

    I still vote no.

    Over and out

  7. Yes, she’d make a good press secretary but I want to see who else is being considered (I really like Ann Coulter). As for Laura taking Beck’s place on Sirius, I would prefer to see her added to the AM line-up. Beck is good where he is– you can only listen to him if you pay a subscription fee, which really limits his audience. AM is free to everyone who has a radio.

  8. Well PHenry if she has a “Hillary like demeanor” That’s quite a shock to me. Perhaps your information is coming from a former disgruntled, high ranking, employee of hers? But a friend of yours no doubt. Yes, I’m sorry you brought it up too

  9. Would like to know her views on immigration, exactly. How many immigrants does she think the US should accept, if any? Which countries should they be from? What should we do with illegals? Should we allow any immigrants from any islamic countries? I would need a: zero; none; the goal should be to deport them all, and; no. If she gets the answers correct, I support her 100%. If not, nope. We need to stop immigration and get the illegals out of here, and everything else comes after that.

  10. PHenry – I heard the same thing about Michele Bachmann. Who would probably be another good candidate. lol! But, I’m willing to try either of them out as long as they can keep their shit under control. Not because of hurting Trump, but because they would only end up getting themselves replaced and they’d never hear the end of it as long as they remain in public.

    Anyway, the people who we would LOVE to see as press sec, never want the job. lol

  11. 1. Bobby Knight – I love his “tough bastard” line. Wanna hear it again while speaking of Pres Trump.
    2. Milo – He is so funny and quick witted and could shoot down anyone who even suggests Trump is “homophobe.”

  12. Moe Tom, I’m not a huge fan of Laura and I may/may not have mentioned it a long time ago. But, like I said, if she’s chosen and she can’t handle the job, behind the scenes for whatever reason, she’s going to be axed. Same as anyone else. It won’t hurt Trump at all, she’d screw herself. He doesn’t seem afraid to fire people. lol

  13. Slightly off topic, but during the election Kasich would always go on about how his dad was a postman or milkman or whatever.

    Rush suggested he was angling for Postmaster General LOL!!!

  14. Pretty much every commentor on this blog would do themselves handsomely against our current Pravda media. I’m sure MoeTom would do very well. PHenry, BadBrad, Abigail Adams, the whole lot of us could take the job one by one and then get fired by Donald Trump with a wink and a smile. Gutting these people would be a pleasure and won’t be completed by any one person. It’s a process.

    I didn’t mean leave anybody out, including the moderators of course

  15. A little levity here:
    How about Billy Burr for Press Secretary?
    “Hey, you just shut up, just shut to fuck up. Are you fuckin’ deaf,?
    I already answered that question. I fuckin’ told you he dropped the bomb yesterday. Yes yesterday, at 3am Afshitistan time.
    No, he didn’t tell me, his butler, Otis, told me as I was walking to fuck in here.
    Did he what? Did he get Congressional approval? I don’t think so. What the fuck, who the fuck needs Congressional approval anymore.
    Do I need approval from my fukin’ wife to have a few beers? Where the fuck you from? South Carolina?
    No jerkoff, as I told you he dropped a bomb on, o’ I’m just getting it now in my ear piece. Stay with me. Here it is: The bomb was dropped on an outpost fifty clicks North of Bughasanshit. Where 2500 was wases were meeting to discuss, of all things, the destruction of the US. It is estimated that about 2200 skirted warriors were killed and about 150 mini mussies, collateral damage victims.
    Now I just gave you what I heard. Back to questions .
    No no no, for fuck sake CNN we did not drop leaflets, warning them, that’s a waste of fuckin’ paper. These assholes can’t read anyway, so what the fuck?
    Yeay, you. MSNBC. No Jon, we didn’t warn them either. What the fuck, we’ve been warning them for 15 fuckin’ years. You know how many great Americans we’ve lost just fuckin’ warning them?
    Yes, Shep, from FOX.
    O Shep, for fuck sake, why are you breaking my balls with this “West Wing” proportional response bullshit? You’re saying if they blow up one of our SUVs and kill a GI, we blow up a fuckin’ tent and kill one a’ them? Right Shep? Ain’t going that way no more Bro. They blow up a jeep and kill one of ours, we wipe out a whole training compound or village harboring these motherfuckers.
    The Rules of Engagement have changed. Shep.
    That’s it guys, catch you in a week or so.

    BILL BURR for Press Secretary.

  16. Voting with Dianny. A tag team of Milo and Ann Coulter. Throw MJA in there it would be the new Mod Squad. Yeah, MJA. Can’t you see the eye roll and ‘Oh Lawd you stupid’ to Unibrow and MSLSD?

  17. No, she’s not the best pick for the job. I have a lot of respect for her and she’s one of a handful that I will listen to nearly everything they say, she’s very intelligent, very conservative, the list goes on. But the job is not a good fit for her IMO. She won’t be happy in the position. And anyone that thinks whomever Trump has as a Press Secretary isn’t going to be behind that lectern lying their ass off is going to be in for a big surprise. The job entails doling out as little information as possible to the press with the proper spin on it. The press secretary also knows things that can’t be shared. They have fairly high security clearance levels.

    It would be nice to have a PS in the Trump administration that didn’t operate as others have in the past but kids, it just ain’t gonna happen.

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