Would Obama Sign Legislation Requiring Women to Register for Draft? – IOTW Report

Would Obama Sign Legislation Requiring Women to Register for Draft?

obama kids

(CNSNews.com) – White House Spokesman Josh Earnest was asked at Thursday’s press briefing if President Barack  Obama would sign legislation requiring women to register for the selective service and whether it “has given him any pause to think that perhaps his daughters would have to sign up for the selective service.”  More

15 Comments on Would Obama Sign Legislation Requiring Women to Register for Draft?

  1. I don’t want Women on the front lines fighting.
    Yes they can do it, yes they can adapt.
    (most) Women do not have the automatic kill instinct. The immediate reaction of smash and kill.
    With women you have to drill down to find that instinct.
    With men all you have to do slightly scratch the surface.
    This instinct can be learned but it is not automatic like it is in Men.
    That automatic response converts to about a second and a half faster reaction time.
    Make of that what you will.
    As far as Barry and his brood, they should be drafted…..
    As porters and bearers for my giant Safari through the Arizona Desert.
    I simply cannot sip a fine Cognac without a decent table setting which includes good crystal and linen
    Somebody’s gonna need to carry that stuff.

  2. @Lazlo:

    To add to your observations, morale will plummet in mixed units where the natural urge of men to protect women will cause them distress and to act irrationally in their defense. It will break down the command and control and cause more dysfunction then the toll that combat already inflicts.

    Do I really need to go there about sexual misconduct and rape and all the other issues that will arise? How stupid do you have to be to think that this is a good idea? War is ugly enough. Adding raped and dead wives, mothers, sisters and daughters to the mix for a social ideal is just stupid.

  3. I’m 100% in favor of forcing women to sign up for Selective Service. Let me explain why:

    I think this falls under the category of Hoist Upon Your Own Petard.
    I guarantee that the Republican-majority House Armed Services Committee is doing this to forcibly rub the Democrat Left’s nose in the heaping pile of shit they call Feminism.

    The Democrats foisted the DACOWITS Committee (Defense Advisory Committee On Women In The Service) on our Defense forces.

    It’s going to be interesting to see what happens when American parents and young American women see where the Left’s so-called Feminism has led them.

    Don’t worry; we won’t leave ourselves defenseless. When WWII kicked in they quickly got rid of pencil-pushing admirals and generals and appointed the real sons-of-bitches to run things effectively: Gen Marshall, Adm King, Gen Eisenhower, Gen MacArthur, Adm Nimitz, Adm Halsey, Adm Spruance, Gen Patton, Gen Bradley, Adm Gallery,

    If WWIII kicks in we’ll shitcan women in the service so fast, you won’t have time to blink. Maybe in REMF roles, but never in defensive, offensive combat roles.

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