Would You Allow a Woman Who Would Stay Married To A Rapist To Be Commander-In-Chief? – IOTW Report

Would You Allow a Woman Who Would Stay Married To A Rapist To Be Commander-In-Chief?

Well, over at some of the “right-wing” NeverTrump blogs there are breathless headlines, with exclamation points, announcing that HILLARY IS IN THE LEAD!!!!!!!!!!

A pox on them and all of their ancestors.

You know, when you have a leak, the best way to fix it is to put in a new pipe, but sometimes the only thing available is a sweat sock and duct tape.

NeverTrump says, “we could have had a new pipe, but we didn’t get one, so, f*ck you and your sweat sock and duct tape, I’m rooting for the leak.”

This is the type of person you beat over the head with the crescent wrench and put them in the crawlspace covered in lime.

Here’s Kathleen Willey calling out Hillary for being the rapist enabler-

4 Comments on Would You Allow a Woman Who Would Stay Married To A Rapist To Be Commander-In-Chief?

  1. I would never stay with a rapist or a suspected rapist.

    Also told hubby from the get go that I would be gone if he had an affair or laid a hand on me.

    Come December, we’re at 37 years. 🙂

  2. I think the Right Shit, they are no longer just poop, is about to implode. After the debate half their threads support Trump, the other half try and make Trump look as stupid as possible. Somebody needs to slap the refried beans out of that damn fake Mexican. I would enjoy doing far to much.

  3. I had to stop one of my daily reads at Moonbattery, as much as I really liked Dave. The Never Trump site was starting to piss me off and I want to keep a positive outlook on the election as much possible. The progs I don’t care what they say or think, but I care about my fellow conservatives opinions.

  4. Just who are these people that would vote for Hitlery? I’ve been called a deplorable, irredeemable, alt-right, racist, uneducated, misogynist, homophobic, bible zealot, and gun clinger from flyover country for my views and support of Trump. Jeepers creepers it gives me the willies when I think of those people in support of Clinton.

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