Would You Do This? – IOTW Report

Would You Do This?

44 Comments on Would You Do This?

  1. Can’t look as puter at work won’t let me do “Youtube,” so you guys will have to define this one for me.

    Suspect it’s a good one…

    There’s also a bunch of stuff at Whatfinger that would be fodder for here…

  2. No, but I’d like to tow away some Congressmen and Senators.

    Stealing the parking space before I can move has happened to me several times. I learned years ago to use my turn signal to announce my “dibs” on a space while I wait. Most people see that and respect it. If they don’t, I shake my head at them and find another.

  3. The guy in the jeep is upset by a jerk that drove into a space. OK, I understand. But then he pulls it out and leaves it behind other cars owned by totally innocent drivers.

  4. No. I’d be pissed. But that’s about it. It has happened to me. Once with a Hassid and once with a New Jersey woman driver. They both suck as drivers. The guy in the Jeep is a jerk, most likely a fag.
    Moe tom

  5. Whether I’d do anything at all would depend on whether the other driver knew what he was doing. If not, I’d just let it pass.

    If he snatched the space from me on purpose, though, I might take some kind of action…but not one that would inconvenience other people parked in the lot.

    A very long time ago, I watched a bunch of college boys pick up a VW bug and put it on the sidewalk for grabbing a spoken-for parking space. I applauded!

  6. I blocked in some asshat driving a hummer that was straddling two spots. When I say blocked, I mean I didn’t give him any room to open the drivers side door. He could have gotten into the passenger side and driven off. He wasn’t smart enough to do that. He waited for me. I kind of a big guy and I don’t suffer fools, I don’t look for trouble, but if it comes my way I meet it head on. He left in peace.
    But back to the original question, I’d have just waited until the asshole came out and have chat with him.

  7. I once had a very snotty self important asshole of a woman block me in a parking space that I was in for maybe 2 minutes making a delivery when I worked for a courier company. I must’ve parked in her spot but I was able to get out by moving the van back and forth and forth to finally get out. I found out later no one in that small business park liked that nasty woman one damned bit.

  8. I never get into spats with other drivers or parkers. You never know who is about to snap and take out you and everyone else within shooting distance. Not worth it. And who’s to say that by having to park someplace not as convenient, you’ve been saved by fate and timing from something far worse.

    “Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord.” And I can’t think of a better arbiter of justice.

  9. I was good with it until he blocked the other drivers in their parking spaces.
    At least one of them is in the video, parked right behind the red car. Jeepman is an A=hole.

    The again, maybe Jeepman was fast, came back out, and put the red car back.

    If I had been cut off as the Jeep was, I would let it go.
    Maybe the other guy didn’t know I was waiting.
    Too many variables.

  10. For those who mentioned a screwdriver to tire application, I’d like you to consider an alternative that doesn’t involve physical destruction of property. You can still find tire valve caps with the little built-in valve wrench at auto supply stores. If you have one on one of your own tires, you can use it to loosen two valves on the asshole’s car. Why two? He’ll have only one spare, duh. Serious, SERIOUS inconvenience, but no property damage/destruction, and it’s quick – just takes a few seconds.

  11. @Molon Labe: I agree it’s staged. Perfect focusing, perfect framing. Then the camera moves when the car pulls back out. Look at the hood of the BMW, the clearcoat is peeling. It’s a junker car that was a plant.

  12. Yeah, pick your battles, not worth going there. Save it for when you can’t be blamed for what you do and then think twice. Justification in front of the court. The law loves putting people with jobs on the payment plan. Bums not so much.

  13. Jeep should have had a blinker on. If the other driver intentionally cuts you out of a space, then has the nerve to acknowledge the act, then what Uncle Al said. I almost always have a few wooden toothpicks in my truck. Break one in half and use the two pieces to wedge the valve stems open.

    I’ve known this as a useful technique but only seriously considered doing it one time. Two very self absorbed women, driving a car decked out with Coexist, Hillary, etc., pulled into a handicap slot at a local pharmacy. No “Handicap” permit hanging from the rear view and no indication on their car tag. They were both in perfect condition to prance into the store entrance. There were plenty of parking spaces and I let it slide. With all of the security cameras around, you’re going to be getting a call.

  14. It must have been staged. When he pulled the car out of the space the wheels were all turning, so it must have been left in neutral. Otherwise he would have had to drag it out with the drive wheels locked.

  15. I wondered about the wheels turning, too. That would lend credence to it being staged.

    I also thought that the guy leaving the parking spot should have not backed up that far to let in the interloper. The guy waiting should have used his turn signal. But, I know when someone wants my spot and I make sure to allow them to have it.

    It’s called being situationally aware.

  16. I watched a giant brand new suv try to pull up next to me at Popeyes once. Watched from inside as her entire front plastic bumper thingy chewed itself up scraping and crunching on my 1/4 inch rusty steel bumper.

    1200 bucks in damage on her vehicle while I sat sipping on a coke through a straw eating red beans and rice.

  17. I also vote Staged. The guy in the car turned back to see the Jeep looking at him, so knowing what he did there’s no way he would have kept going without keeping an eye on his car. Then, seeing his car yanked out of the spot, any normal driver would have come out swinging or at least cussing. He never appeared. Video is BS.

  18. @ AA
    So true.
    My dad told us how how when he was a young man in Italy he was standing in line for the ferris wheel. In those days the ferris wheels were made of wood. Some men cut in front of him in line, so he couldn’t get on with that round of people. The ferris wheel crashed down right in front of him. Had those people not cut in line, he would have been on it.

  19. I skipped down to here after reading @AbigailAdams’s comment, with which I so agree. I was having thoughts as I was skimming down that the jeep dude is a passive aggressive dipthong. I couldn’t be bothered spending all that time being angry enough to do all that – and then block someone else.

    AA’s comment reminded me of a woman I used to work with, who said she tries not to worry about rushing out of work on time – she just does what she needs to do and carries on – because who knows what the Lord might be saving her from if she gets to the head of the line of cars queuing up to leave, or on the road. So she gets to each part of her journey when she gets there, and then thanks God for her safe passage through another day.

  20. Nah. I don’t get wrapped around axles like that. I get wrapped around other axles. I park in the hinterlands of parking lots. Then, almost invariably, some mothertrucker will park right next to me by the time I come out of the store. It drives me nearly insensate. And it’s not because my rusty old shitbox is special… I’m not “protecting” it. I just like to have room to open my doors or sling heavy shit into the bed.

    Or even my Beetle. My doors open 90 degrees to the body. I don’t want to hit your shitbox with my doors, and I certainly don’t want to screw up my own doors.

    And I certainly don’t want you to hit my shitbox with your doors.

  21. No, I would not do THIS, but back in my early 20s, I did remove all but one very loosened lug nut on each wheel of the passenger side of the offending vehicle one time.

    A van swiped my new Datsun causing much damage. Then had the audacity to park right next to me in a spot where you aren’t supposed to park at all. I was in the end space.

    I was at O’Hare and had just dropped my mother off to go back to Dallas. I needed to get back to Lake Geneva and had no time for police reports and whatever this guy had to say. My insurance had a $5 rider that covered all damages when parked legally.

    I was his Karma that day.


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