Would You Hire Her? – IOTW Report

Would You Hire Her?

Would You Hire @ChloeAngyal? (With Extra Special Bonus Schadenfreude)

Following up on Friday’s post (“‘Learn to Code’ and the Collapse of the Millennial SJW Clickbait Bubble”), we come to the case of now-unemployed Huffington Post deputy opinion editor Chloe Angyal. Professor Reynolds reminds us of the fact that after Dr. Angyal undertook this job, she focused on increasing “diversity” in HuffPo’s opinion columns by the most obvious means: Quotas.

In March 2018, Dr. Angyal boasted of her success in reducing the number of white males writing for Huffington Post:

The Huffington Post deputy opinion editor shared her publication’s policy for promoting minority writers, yet creating a quota-like system based on race or gender could violate U.S. discrimination laws.
In a series of tweets [March 14], HuffPost editor Chloe Angyal discussed the racial makeup of the news website’s opinion columnists for the month.

“Month two of @HuffPost Opinion is almost done. This month we published: 63% women, inc. trans women; 53% writers of colour.”

One tweet seems to disclose a kind of quota system at the opinion section, with Angyal discussing her “goals” for the racial and gender composition of contributors.

“Our goals for this month were: less than 50% white authors (check!), Asian representation that matches or exceeds the US population (check!), more trans and non-binary authors (check, but I want to do better).” . . .

As Angyal admits, she tracks the race and gender identity of contributors at the beginning of each week so she “doesn’t lose tack” of meeting the diversity goals.

“I check our numbers at the end of every week, because it’s easy to lose track or imagine you’re doing better than you really are, and the numbers don’t lie.”

As the Daily Caller’s Joe Simonson noted at the time, this kind of “diversity” policy — a focus on “numbers” as “goals,” which could be interpreted as systematic discrimination — actually violates Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act, as well as the state law in New York, which is where Huffington Post is officially headquartered.  MORE

20 Comments on Would You Hire Her?

  1. I’m sure the NY Attorney General will get right on to filing charges, with a pre-dawn SWAT raid to bring her in. And Fox News on scene to get the story before anyone else.

  2. I’m morally (!) certain that Angyal’s unemployed because of white toxic masculinity conspiracy and collusion and malice and harassment and bad fashion sense and stinky feet.

    I’m not going to bother looking for facts because the truthiness of my narrative is pure.

  3. Of course I would…I gots some toilets that need a-scrubbin’…I gots some yule hedge that need some trimmin’….I gots some oak fell thats needing’ some whittlin’…..goat poop? I gotta three days worth of Shoveling’….after all of that, I don’t see any sexual chemistry. I will let her hose off in the neighbors yard though…

  4. A Table Offer

    Give us Mitt Romney
    You can have the Wall

    Mitt Romney is the Snake
    To be excised from the Garden

    Mitt Romney has killed many
    Mitt Romney is Evil

    We want him.
    His internal Atoms split.
    To never foul this Garden again.

    Send this message to the Elders
    Your Water will dry and flow into Sky
    Until Demon Mitt Romney bows before my Eye

    His cells divided
    Into Salt and Rock
    The liquid release
    Will cleanse that flock

    This plan was foretold
    At the dawn of Infinity
    Until you give us Mitt
    You will not lay one more brick

    No Salt
    No Apple
    No Garden
    No Tree

    Pass it on
    Copy this
    Paste that
    Email too

    Unless Mitt is gone
    Nothing else will do


    Tabernacle Bells will toll for thee
    You have three weeks to comply

  5. I can see her walking down the office hallway, clipboard in hand. “And you are… what ethnicity or ethnicities? How do you identify, gender-wise? Thank you – and please let me know if anything changes.” as she ticks off boxes on her list.

  6. Would I hire her? Dunno’. How does she look in a tight skirt?

    (Working on my toxic masculinity)

    Is that distant thunder I hear rumbling? Nah, just feminists heads exploding.

  7. This has been going on for a long time. Over 40 years ago I was the ops supervisor for a university data center, and among other things was responsible for hiring (and firing) computer operators. One time I had an opening and found a very well qualified applicant who accepted my offer.

    The HR head wept for joy and I had to physically restrain him from kissing me. Why? you may ask. My new hire was a black female honorably discharged Army veteran with a Spanish surname.

    No, I am not making this up. True story.

    p.s. She was a fine employee and a nice lady and was my lead operator inside of a year.

  8. Diversity … great let’s have a team in which we all have differing goals! Our success will never be met since we are all going in different directions at once.

    Who is responsible for fostering this upon us?


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