Would You Like to Live Like This? – IOTW Report

Would You Like to Live Like This?

h/t Dadof4

First thing:
What a beehive Utopian dream! It makes me want to puke!

Second thing:
Solid mirrors for 170 km? No pass-through for wildlife or anything else? That seems unreasonable.

Third thing:
I noticed they use a young white woman for the voice of the narrating. Why, if this is a message to the world at-large? There’s a very serious reason for this why, but I don’t know it yet.

41 Comments on Would You Like to Live Like This?

  1. It is really a concentration camp dressed up as an environmentally correct way to live. “Come on in and save the world”. The dream of some world order fiends.

  2. This is all based on the false (and perhaps impossible) assumption that every other person you will be living near will be neighborly, pleasant, helpful and agreeable. One would think that the past two years would have disabused even the dullest mind of this notion, but alas, Democrats still exist.

  3. If I win the 1.9B lotto I’m buying a huge chunk of land and putting my shanty and Beetle right in the middle of it. The rest of it will be landmines and those automatic machineguns from ALIENS.

  4. Which community houses Chicago’s south side ghetto pavement apes? What happens when that community trashes their community, does my community pay for the rehab? What’s the egress procedure? Cause I don’t see any doors and if I found myself in this place the only thing I’d care about is how to get out.

  5. I have no doubt that some mufti will call the “Line City” haram and it will become a very pretty target (I assume every city segment will have several mosques, all loudly sounding the call to prayer 5 times a day).

  6. Suuuure. And the Libtards pretend to care about Gaia Mother Earth. Uh-huh. Yeah. Right.
    With a wall like that, it would disrupt the weather to the point where one side would be wet, the other side would be desert.
    Animals would go extinct, their migrations disrupted.
    Bird populations decimated, flying into the glass mirror walls.

  7. Wait, I think I saw a movie about that or similar.

    Yes, it was in space and only for elites! The deplorables got to scrabble on what was left after the grifters moved to , “Elysium“.

  8. Urban planner’s wet dream. These utopian schemes can only work when all individuality and freedom is suppressed or eliminated. It is the same approach behind Agenda 21 and the Great Reset.

    Failure is assured because human individuality and human nature cannot be eliminated, though the control freaks have been trying to fix that through Common Core, games and social media.

    The Saudis figure their already oppressive society ought to be a near guarantee for social harmony inside that thing.

    One other item to consider, particularly given the cultural propensities in the region, it will make an ideal target.

  9. Not no, but hell no! I’ll stick with my tin shack, 1000′ driveway through the woods and adjacent well stocked, creek fed pond.

  10. They have a woman with a slight mix of excitement and emotional waiver in her voice to appeal to emotions.
    Women are the decision makers in most purchases.

    This brings to mind numerous sci fi movies and shows.
    Logan’s Run
    Blade Runner
    Judge Dredd
    Minority Report
    Fifth Element and on and on.

    No thanks

  11. God this is stupid.
    And I guarantee that, like Bio-Dome, the architects would discover after it’s too late that they missed some key design elements (like not enough ventilation, not enough water) that cannot be fixed. It would turn into one of China’s failed cities.

  12. Since your all living so close together, we’re going to have to take full control of what injections we think you need at any given time.

    For your neighbor’s safety and the collective health.

    Feel free to apply to have a baby, and if you are in a category we would like to increase we may grant it. Otherwise we may need to terminate your pregnancy for you for the collective good. Resistors will be sterilized for the collective good, and also to eliminate genetic weaknesses. We can’t have that with everyone living so close together, so its for the collective good.

    This design also makes it fairly easy to control food, water, and power to selected areas should anyone choose to have an insurrection against the collective good. You have no independent water source, no garden you can grow, no trees you can harvest, no means of escaping our walls. You will comply with the collective good or be culled with hunger and thirst as required.

    Because of the linear nature of this city, we will naturally need to control where you can go and when, what you do for a living and when, and which part you live in depending on the function you are assigned. You will serve the collective good as we choose or you will be denied a share in the collective food and water.

    Your cell will be controlled by us to keep the quality of life high and minimize disturbances to your neighbors for the good of the community. A brief description of how this may work is below.


    Working together we have a bright future. We decide, you comply. You will own nothing and be happy. Enjoy!

  13. Ahhh … Utopia!
    The dream of Tyrants and their willingly useful idiots throughout time!

    Climate control. 500 m high walls. Everything provided. Zero carbon emissions (no one can exhale?).
    Another word for “prison.”

    I want to see the plumbing.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  14. “equitable views”…lol

    “Immediate access to the surrounding nature”…What, you get a day pass or something? I guess there will be nature patrols outside to catch the runners.

    Welcome to Karentopia. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

  15. Strongly encourage it. Plenty of people fit right in to the model. Hell, all large cities are just weak, malformed attempts at just this kind of thing. They just have to cull the undesirables who’ll show themselves early… or later. Most folks will adapt to it just fine, if they’re given some kinds of status ladders to climb.


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