Wow, ANTIFA is a collection of unattractive people – IOTW Report

Wow, ANTIFA is a collection of unattractive people

Maybe I’m too superficial, but there’s a new site that is cataloging ANTIFA members, and my only thought is that 90% of them are fugly.

It can be found at

42 Comments on Wow, ANTIFA is a collection of unattractive people

  1. You don’t even have to go to these asinine protest’s, just walk into a Whole Foods Market, Natural Grocer’s, Sprouts or Trader Joe’s and you will need a shower when you get home, just to wash off the Commie Crud. 😬

  2. Of course, there are always exceptions, however:

    Male (or whatever)- skinny, greasy hair, tats.
    Female (ditto)-fat, foul mouths, more tats.

    Egad. Picture an entire society bred by these foul-smelling mutants.

  3. They nearly all have that one eye that’s slightly misaligned and glaring off in another direction.
    These are the types that were heavily into huffing glue as children.

  4. They are Satan’s minions. This is a fight between good and evil.

    Did you see the letter to Trump from Archbishop Vigano? It contains the Latin “Solve et coagula” which is the tatoo on Baphomet’s arms.

    “Solve et coagula” — “dissolve and coagulate” in Latin is a medieval alchemy quote, which is to say that nothing new can be built if not before DESTROYING the old. The new world order is evil.

    Letter from Archbishop Vigano to President Trump:

  5. BFH –
    Some of those babes could be in your Pet Portraits. Maybe you could start an Antifa Portraits page.
    Bring their beauty to life. Assuming any of those meth addicts can steal enough money to pay for your work.

  6. THAT’S probably what they’re so pissed off about. They’re ugly and stupid. Probably why they’re Marxist too – they want everyone to be as miserable as they are.

  7. First, if you haven’t watched the video that Zonga posted–Go Do It! Now!

    Second, the wierdos from “Oregon” are being recruited from elsewhere. Those two crazies that burned down the house in Alabama killing 7 people were arrested in Marion County(Salem), Oregon. Why did they decide to come here? I think Oregon is a SafeHouse place for these goofs.And there is funding from somewhere to house them.

    Third,having worked with kids most of my life and observing children’s behavior, I do believe that children born with unfortunate looks become sullen and angry at the world for having been dealt a harsh blow. Not all, but many. I think they then go on to “rage” at society. (There’s also a danger of being “Too Cute” and never taking personal responsibility! cough biden cough)

  8. @Zonga: “…“Solve et coagula” — “dissolve and coagulate” in Latin is a medieval alchemy quote…”

    he attributes that to being “as the Masonic adage teaches.”
    I am a proud Freemason.
    I will not entertain argument about Masonry, though I will point out its influence in the creation of this great country and the presence of its language in our founding documents.
    He is not correct.
    I will take another opportunity here, to point out that all despots and tyrants come for the Masons first. hitler and stalin are but two examples. They simply can not tolerate the tolerance of Freemasonry. Masons have often been the ‘canary in the coalmine.’
    He probably can’t accept that Masons allow others to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience. I can and I do.

  9. Of course they are. Ugly as fuck and they have no lives. No friends or family members that care about them. So, all that pent up anger is cast towards statues, monuments and buildings. They have no clue what their agenda is, except to break stuff.

  10. There are a LOT of sites that have documented the transformation of people who adopt the philosophy these miscreants have. Many of them didn’t start out looking that way.

    A lot of the personal mutilation has to do with an attack on God. Trust me on this. I have been close enough to have witnessed it as it progressed many times. When a person is all consumed by hate and envy they don’t even have to make an effort to destroy their looks. It is a byproduct.

  11. Why spend the energy trying to psychoanalyze these losers. Reality is, if we were not afraid of retribution from LE these fuckers would be extinct right now. Zonga/Diane Reynolds, ladies, lets not build these sub par losers into something they are not. And if evil does exists here, it’s the people and organizations that prevent us from ending ANTIFA.

  12. Self loathing is never any good, just ask any lesbian or gay male. A lot of them know the truth and it tears them apart from the inside out. Ugly a lot of times is more spiritual than physical and the ugliness within manifests itself in the outside physical appearance. A pro life friend of mine was once in the presence of Bella Abzug and some other feminazis in a debate with them, he told me that he could literally feel and almost see all the hate for God and everything good stored up inside of them and it wasn’t pretty. The self loathing also manifests itself in various diseases as well as increased rates of suicide because as the Bible says the wages of sin is death.

  13. Like the old joke used to say, these people are so ugly that they have to beat their butt with a stick to keep their faces from getting jealous. And even if they tied a porkchop to their legs the dogs still don’t want to play with them. Dogs can sense evil just like in another episode of the Twilight Zone where the old man and his dog both die by drowning while out hunting and the dog keeps him from taking the wrong path into Hell.

  14. It was in the news yesterday: that guy who shot the man in the back of the head (can’t remember the city, now), is walking around free on $60K bail! Charged with, among other serious crimes, Attempted Murder in the First Degree, $60K bail. Un-freaking-believable.

    The victim’s GoFundMe account apparently indicates he is on life support in critical condition.

  15. The roaming eyes are due to their parents only doing meth on the weekends while trying to conceive and then while pregnant, and then full time while breast feeding both the father and baby. Baby still angry cause daddy keep him from the best side.

  16. @Zonga: “Diane Reynolds:
    Who worships Baphomet?”

    that would probably be eliphas levi (who was not a Mason), and, if you’re up on that topic, also a vacuum cleaner sales person. It is an interesting story to unravel, if one would spend the time. Somewhat similar to how the press works today.
    I can’t really help you, if someone has put boogeymen in your head.

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