WOW- Brett Kavanaugh Was Involved in a Bar Fight in College – DISQUALIFIED!!!!!!! – IOTW Report

WOW- Brett Kavanaugh Was Involved in a Bar Fight in College – DISQUALIFIED!!!!!!!

Blue, Blue Whine

Rolling Stone-

British reggae band UB40 have found themselves ensnared in the latest probe into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s collegial drinking habits following a report that Kavanaugh and some Yale classmates were involved in a bar fight following a UB40 concert in September 1985.

The New York Times reports that the altercation took place at a bar in New Haven, Connecticut – where Yale University resides – during Kavanaugh’s junior year at the college.

According to the police report from the incident, Kavanaugh instigated the altercation by throwing ice at another man “for some unknown reason”; the New York Times states that Kavanaugh and his friends – which included future NBA player Chris Dudley – were trying to determine whether the man was UB40 singer Ali Campbell.

Chad Ludington, Kavanaugh’s Yale classmate and fellow member of the school’s basketball team, initially issued a statement Sunday that detailed the incident, however Ludington accused Kavanaugh of throwing his beer, and not ice, at the man.

“The guy swung at Brett,” Ludington said, adding that Dudley “took his beer and smashed it into the head of the guy, who by now had Brett in an embrace. I then tried to pull Chris back, and a bunch of other guys tried to pull the other guy back. I don’t know what Brett was doing in the melee, but there was blood, there was glass, there was beer and there was some shouting, and the police showed up.”


30 Comments on WOW- Brett Kavanaugh Was Involved in a Bar Fight in College – DISQUALIFIED!!!!!!!

  1. The Left is already talking about packing the court with two extra liberal judges (woman of color of course). They, of course, do not care about law and see the Supreme Court as an extension of the Left to create new laws and make rulings outside of the confines of The Constitution, in order to wield and maintain power.

    Fighting in a bar brawl should not disqualify him, listening to UB40 might be the deal breaker. The FBI should do a thorough background investigation into his musical affections. If he went to see a Flock of Seagulls, well then, all bets are off.

  2. O My God? Brett Dear, a bar fight? You shouldn’t be doing things like that at your age.
    Yes Mom , I know.
    Did you win?
    I think so Mom, we shook hands, and are now friends.
    (It’s the Irish way)
    God Bless you Brett Kavanaugh, I hope you come true.
    And fuck you pussies who don’t unnerstan!

  3. Sorry to go Non-sequitur, but another thing I hate about Lefty Democrats. When we do confront serial abusers, like Afghan cops who rape little boys, we punish people like the Green Beret who stood up for the kid and his Mom. We also have “Senators Corker and Menendez Scuttle Rand Paul Efforts to Block Billions in U.S. Funding for Afghan Forces Sexually Abusing Boys”

    USA Today can call Kaavanaugh a pedophile, but when it comes to stopping actual ones……nope, not gonna do it. Let’s take someone down for a bar fight.

  4. This was simply misinterpretation of a common language. The British guy said “Pass me the ice, as in hand me some Ice. Bret was thinking about football and passed him some ice like a football pass. The British Person thought Brett wanted to fight.

  5. Would I make it through an FBI background check?

    I was once a few days late returning a video at Blockbuster.
    As a conservative, that kind of info is enough to have me bounced.

  6. There is just something about liberals that I despise, I don’t recall from whence it came nor when it started. Nor do I recall the person that instilled such feelings in me. I also neglect to remember why my feelings of hostility towards liberals commenced and I vaguely remember those that inflicted the negative hate I have towards the putrid assholes that represent despiteful distain towards America in general.
    BUT….I am thoroughly convinced that my attitude about said degenerates are complete and indisputable.

  7. Aw jeez…in a previous life i was subjected to an ‘initial’ FBI investigation to further my employment.

    I had to give dates,names,places for my whole adult life….friends, relatives, employers. They checked them all. People told me about it, because of the questions being asked about me. They even questioned people i had no personal contact with.

    After the initial investigation….i was only required to declare what i did between accesses.

    I’m sure my dirty laundry (real or imagined) was offered to the investigators. I know I ‘passed’….but was never given any details from the company or FBI.

    So…if Mr. K was in a bar fight or assaulted women or looked up skirts or picked his nose….it would have come out earlier.

    It is getting closer and closer to the ‘Day of Reckoning’. It will be ugly…and bloody.

  8. If the “bar fight” consisted of thrown ice or was regarding UB40, it was not in fact a bar fight. Talk to me when he’s bitten off someone’s ear or kicked someone unconscious with steel toes.

  9. The more I hear about Kavanaugh, the more I like him.

    If he was able to graduate cum laude from Yale while playing multiple sports, writing for the newspaper and become a lawyer for the White House, to paraphrase Lincoln, “tell me what he’s drinking so I can send it to the rest of the GOP”.

  10. This is the criminalization of masculinity by the Left.
    I trust Brett had a few cigarettes and cussed in college too… in between getting great grades and playing sports. And the problem is?

  11. Don’t believe the hype.

    How does anyone here or anywhere else EVEN know if the story is true to begin with??

    And if maybe the prick that he threw the ICE ICE BABY at deserved it…WHERE YOU there 30 freaking years ago!! IF it happened? WHO CARES!

    They want to impeach the guy BEFORE he becomes JSCOTUS so it will get worse IF they get the POWER they LUST.

    Remember, this is THEIR religion, POWER over Liberty.



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