Wow! Lindsey Graham is MY NEW HERO!!!!!! – IOTW Report

Wow! Lindsey Graham is MY NEW HERO!!!!!!

I will look for the video clip!

Graham goes on a TIRADE about how despicable the left is and admonishes any republican that fails to confirm Kavanaugh.

This was amazing.

Courtesy of Riverlife Callie, here is the video

94 Comments on Wow! Lindsey Graham is MY NEW HERO!!!!!!

  1. He just did it again in during the hearing!! What is going on with this guy?

    He has the spine to step in and set context for this whole thing. He even went in place of the female expert prosecutor.

    Now all the repubs are doing the Lindsey!

  2. Graham was exactly right. I kept screaming at Kavanaugh when Durbin kept on with ask for a FBI investigation to tell him, the only reason you want an FBI investigation at this late date and it’s the same reason you withheld the letter is because you want to delay the vote on my nomination hoping that you’ll keep the court 4-4 and stop Trump from putting a justice on the court.

  3. With NoName gone he appears to be his own man. I remember the first time I saw him. It was during the Clinton hearings and he said something to the effect of, I donโ€™t know but where i come from when a married man calls on a single girl at 2 in the morning he is probably up to no good. He delivered that line perfectly and to great affect and I thought that we had a winner with him. Then he disappeared, and now he seems to be here again. What happened in between?

  4. Been watching this hearing all day. Lindsay Graham has finally figured out how to grow a steel elephant dick & set of steel elephant balls, then rip all the Progs on this committee new buttholes.

  5. This fixation on the FBI by the left is very suspect.
    It’s almost like they have them in their pocket and know if it’s handed over there they will never allow Kavanaugh to be confirmed.

  6. Wouldn’t those pigs just love another FBI investigation like the one they championed against Trump. It’s no more than another stall tactic for what should be a local police matter.
    Graham finally blew his top and when he’s good he’s GOOD!

  7. I’m so glad that John McCain decided to give Lindsey back his balls and not just have them buried with him.

    I have never seen him this angry and disgusted ever.

    Who knew that the one who would tear the Democrats apart so thoroughly was going to be Lindsey.

  8. TO Fur
    The Dems may well have enough dirty folks in the FBI, but their FBI gambit is 100% delay tactic. “The FBI does not reach conclusions”…and any false “facts” the dirty folks might try to insert would be subject to extreme scrutiny (and deletion) prior to final release.

    TO Jerry Mandarin
    # have a tit ??? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. Will echo the comments–good job senator Graham! This hearing is a sad and cynical spectacle and the dem communists have further debased the congress and our nation. Such nonsense and posturing, almost making me ill.

  10. The steady refrain of calling for an FBI investigation, as I said is a tactic to drag this out.
    The woman testifies with her trembling voice {to evoke sympathy} and describes her alleged assault in some detail. What was missing from her account of what happened is any detail crucial to proving her accusations. Try that in front of a jury{other than a OJ Simpson jury}.

  11. Whew!!
    Maybe having a POTUS who will back him up has affected him.
    Whatever, it’s nice to see he found his spine!!
    Man! This was on in the break room at work and people were talking about what sick people the dems are for trying destroy Kavanaugh’s life.
    Go Lindsay!

  12. The demonrats continue to drag down their already disgusting reputation by obsessing about slang terms for flatulence.

    The word “Honorable” should never ever prefix their name again, but it was already out of place.

  13. Ever since McCain kicked the bucket, Lindsey has kind of manned up. He always followed McCain around like a puppy. Since then, he has nothing but good stuff to say about Trump and now this. Is he up for reelection in 2020?????

  14. Iโ€™m on a plane headed all the way to the edge of the US, earbuds in, tuned to Fox News and turned up loud.
    I think everybody in the front cabin heard me saying โ€œYES! YES!โ€ to the Lindsey time slot.
    Seems I was a little loud. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  15. When did he join the Corps (GWB it is core not corpse, nrclr Ivy League 3 degrees !) That was a “fix bayonets – CHARGE!
    Kill! Kill!

    What I have been askin for for 18 years!

    Based on what the Press is saying he got some guts on his blade! GUNG HO!!!!

  16. Had to go to msn to get it to play. Good on ya Lindsey.
    I’m thinking(hoping)that the TRUMP effect may finally be getting through to those who are genuinely sick & tired of being brow beaten by elitist prigs.

  17. I think Lindsay feels betrayed by people he knew and had respect for. sometimes it takes a betrayal to open peoples eyes and see the darkness now that mcbain isnt whispering sweet nothings in his ears.

  18. I’m not holding my breath that Sen. Graham has had a change of heart. He has burned the country many times. I’m glad for the performance – but that just may be all it was. This entire shameful affair has been little more than very poor Kabuki theater with bad actors and very tattered costumes and sets. IMO the ONLY exception is Judge Kavanaugh and his superb statement.

  19. Just finished writing and setting a letter to Lisa Murkowski, so have been away from this thread.

    But I did see and hear Graham’s and others’ statements and was shouting YES! YES! I was no fan of him before but YES I LOVED him at this moment! He opened the gates and the flood then came – others started to stick up for him and make open statements about the absurdities.

    Now Feinstein is talking and said she was stalked by the press – so how in the hell would they know she was someone to stalk???

  20. My 93 year old mother is in tears over this travesty and turned the TV off. When she calms down I will play Lindsey clip to her.

    Finally the Republicans got some balls to call a spade a spade. The Kav confirmation is a done deal.

  21. “he got some guts on his blade!” Way to go, an ol exJarhead!

    I also suspect some motive for Lindsey, BUT right now, I don’t care. I needed to hear that. Out loud. In front of God and everyone. It’s time we fight back.

    Keep it up, Lindsey. And all you scaredy cat Rs, take note! We want “guts on your blades”!

  22. Do you realize how hard it is to piss off someone like Lindsay Graham?
    If I could pick one superpower, it would be to be able to go back in time and fetch Andy Jackson, give him a stout cane and unleash him on those senate fucksticks.

  23. The Lindsey finger-pointing was epic as it was overdue. He is the opposite of a NeverTrumper. He ran against Trump, but instead of getting butthurt, he recognized what the voters wanted and is acting on their behalf. I’ve watched the Lindsey clip 4 times already…

  24. “Are YOU a GANG rapist?”


    I don’t think I will EVER forget that one…

    Lin-zay my Lord. Good on ya.

    He DID vote to impeach The Great Stain Maker as a congressman.

    Then he met McStain…I have always had mixed feelings with Lin-zay.

    @ Mortgage- I hope your mom is okay she FOUGHT a long life to get what she has and is VERY pissed and concerned like us all.
    She is WORRIED this is not the country she grew up in.

    Not sure if any posted the AIC connection?? The one with Dr Fraud.

    H/T – DR. Michael Savage.


  25. If you dissect the Graham Rant, it was pure genius. Surgical. I’ll leave it up to MJA or BFH to explain it. It couldn’t get any better. It’s amazing to me the amount of conservative sights that are banging on this guy because they think he’s Gay. My answer is, who the fuck cares.

  26. Lindsey Graham is doing nothing but trying to cover his candy ass with the Kavanaugh kangaroo court farce.

    Don’t forget who’s best friend was that of Lindsey Graham.

    [No Name].

    What Graham said was right. Why he said it was insincere.


    Yikes. If that were the case, Graham could have just sat there and muttered the party line. That’s not at all what he fucking did. This was epic. Replay, and bulletize his points. It’s fucking brilliant.


    Explain your thinking. If that were the case there was no reason for Graham to stand and deliver. He could have just been a dumb shit like the rest of the RINO’s. His value jumped way up for me.

  29. ghost of col j glover,

    Lindsey is part of the swamp. Lindsey can see where he’s going because he sees where Trump is going. He sees where Hillary and Obama are going.

    ….He saw where [no name] went.

    The Lion is bearing down on the rats and Lindsey doesn’t desire to become dinner.


    Iโ€™ll take my victories where a I can get them. Today Graham was golden. He carried the day. No question. If Kavanaugh gets appointed it was do to Graham. Getting Kavanaugh on the bench is huge. Would be a victory we reap the benefits from for years. So Iโ€™ll welcome Graham in the big tent tonight. Do I trust him yet? No.


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