Wray Won’t Say If Biden Paid By Burisma – IOTW Report

Wray Won’t Say If Biden Paid By Burisma


FBI Director Christopher Wray did not confirm or deny if President Joe Biden is under investigation for alleged bribes from an executive at Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company that paid Hunter Biden $83,000 per month for a board position.

While testifying before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, Tom Tiffany (R-WI) asked Wray if Joe Biden accepted payments from Burisma and whether he is under investigation for the alleged bribe of $5 million. More

I’m going to have to slip my congressman another $5.00 for that one. – Dr. Tar

12 Comments on Wray Won’t Say If Biden Paid By Burisma

  1. Of course he couldn’t say. Dudes just the director of the FBI. It’s like you people expect him to do his job or something.

    Jeeze, the unreal expectations of people.

  2. Of COURSE Wray won’t say if he knows…ANYTHING. That’s because he spends every day at the office with his fingers stuck in his ears and singing, “Nah-nah-nah-NAH! I can’t HEAR you!” over and over.

  3. He has three answers:

    1. It is under investigation so he cannot comment on that. He gets bonus points if he adds that it is being investigated by an appointee of the previous administration.

    2. He cannot comment on personnel matters.

    3. He does not have the answer but will get back to them, usually done with a letter telling Congress to go f**k itself.


    Don was the best since Ronny! But not nearly as good; because “Bush Republicans”!

    Don hired way to many “Bush Republican”. Wray is a goo example; so are Barr and Pence!

    * Forthpse <70. When a record is cracked not plays the same groves over and over and over!

  5. If someone can explain to me how the behavior of the FBI and DOJ is not being an accessory after the fact to the crime, I’d like to at least consider it. I’m skeptical that I would buy it, but I’d at least like the opportunity.

  6. CXZR WRAY will not say BIDEN recieves BRIBE MONEY
    UNLESS he actually sees them receive it anthough

    And how is HE not a criminal himself just like
    his HOMO predecessor JAMES COMEY?

  7. Look, everyone: we keep voting in these Republican hacks (other than the conservatives like Boebert, MTG, Gaetz, Chip Roy and the like). Can we really complain?


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