Megan Sinclair – YouTube Commenter—This all the Left can do. It has nothing to offer American citizens, so it is left with the politics of personal destruction. It must tear down, bankrupt, or destroy the reputations of good people. This is evil. I hope the American people wake up and smell the putrid mess progressives are forcing on honest, hard-working Americans.
When you can’t win the war of ideas, you resort to violence.
wake up and smell
Nope, 1/2 of all Americans will blindly vote democrat due to hijacking the language in schools, media, and in congress; free hand outs (bribery); and an overwhelming desire to sink everyone to the lowest common denominator.
God tells us to hate what is evil. Don’t be conflicted about this.
For whatever reason, there is nothing to click. What is the story?
No clue why it’s not working. YouTube getting bitchy?
here’s the link:
“It must tear down, bankrupt, or destroy the reputations of good people.”
I assume she realizes that’s their means to their desired end.
Bring down the evil left’s house built on sand with righteous, aggressive, and rabid prayer.
We have invisible yet very powerful friends in very high places, ya’ all. I know that my invisible yet very powerful friends in very high places will be listening to my righteous, aggressive, and rabid prayers to help bring down the evil left’s house while I’m at work all day today! And In The Name Of The Nazarene I believe there will be answers…
Hey leftists, you don’t like “thoughts and prayers”? Fine…
Marcuse’s “Critical Theory” taken to the next level. Don’t just criticize, destroy. And whatever you do, don’t offer solutions that might actually work.
This right here is the Great Filter in the Fermi Paradox
Leftism == Sedition pure and simple
When you have 95% of the lawyers in your shirt pocket, you fight with the army you have.
Lawfare. You don’t have to win. You just have to make the process the punishment.
OTOH, government lawyers engaging in flimsy lawfare and extortion – like the guy for the Righthaven attorney for the Las Vegas Journal Review who extorted cash out of bloggers for copying excerpts out of articles – should be disbarred with extreme prejudice.
There’s a pattern here. These people think they are above the law. The same tight knit bunch of A holes. Trump need to stop these storm troopers.
After the Vegas and Alexandria shootings, who except the willfully ignorant/stupid can’t see the Left as 2018 Bolsheviks?
Politics by other means is war.