Wrestler Dies in Ring With Everyone Thinking It’s Part of the Act – IOTW Report

Wrestler Dies in Ring With Everyone Thinking It’s Part of the Act

Yeah, well, when everything is fake in the ring, how are they supposed to know you’re having a heart attack?

Apparently this wrestler is pretty famous.

ht/ js

9 Comments on Wrestler Dies in Ring With Everyone Thinking It’s Part of the Act

  1. I have read that people into S & M have a code word that means “stop,” inasmuch as the word “stop” can be part of the act. This code word would indicate “I am in trouble and that is not part of the act and we need to stop now.” You can see where the other guy here begins to realize that something is wrong but he goes on anyway.

    When Benny “the Kid” Paret was killed in a boxing match in 1962, one of the reasons the ref did not stop the fight was because one of Paret’s ways of fighting was to feign like he was hurt then catch his opponent off guard. When he really was hurt in his last fight, everyone thought it was his usually strategy. Unfortunately it was not. (One of the other results of that fight is that there has to be a certain amount of time between a boxer having matches, not having one fight after another as used to be the case.)

  2. This kinda makes pro wrestling one of the most dangerous “sports” around. In football, baseball, etc., when a player goes down, medical personnel are already on the scene and dispatched immediately. But when seconds count, aid to a wrestler can be delayed for minutes because everyone thinks it’s part of the show.


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