Writer Has Solution To Mass Incarceration – Let em go – IOTW Report

Writer Has Solution To Mass Incarceration – Let em go

Some dirtbag in Tacoma has been accused of trying to rob a girl scout selling cookies while brandishing a gun.

Writer, Matt Driscoll, has used this occasion to take his stand on mass incarceration.

He starts his essay, “Trying to rob a Girl Scout is bad, but ending mass incarceration means letting go of vengeance,” by saying that it’s a myth that non-violent drug crimes are responsible for prison overcrowding.

“…even if we were to release every nonviolent drug offender tomorrow, it wouldn’t make much of a dent in our overall prison population.”

No, the real problem is that prosecutors are overcharging defendants in an effort to have them plea down so they don’t go to court. So they go right to prison.

This is characterized by this knucklehead as “prosecutor’s unchecked power.”

That’s right, if prosecutors weren’t so “filled with vengeance,” society would be rewarded… by having thousands more going to court and clogging our legal system.

Did this big brain ever stop to consider that prosecutors have been forced into this system because there are too many rotten scumbags roaming our streets?

This dope thinks prosecutors are the problem. Nowhere in his little essay does he say that anyone is falsely accused. If he thinks releasing non-violent drug criminals would make nary a dent in the prison population, releasing the innocent wouldn’t make a scuff.

In the end it is clear what his solution is — make attempting to rob a girl scout at gun point a misdemeanor.

What else could he be advocating?

(By the way Social Justice Warriors, did you notice that in an article about mass incarceration this writer’s tipping point, the moment he was compelled to write his essay, was when a white guy was accused of robbing a little girl?)

ht/ JD Hasty

19 Comments on Writer Has Solution To Mass Incarceration – Let em go

  1. all SJW’s should put their ‘money’ where their mouths are … from now on, every petty thief, criminal shall be sent to a SJW abode instead of prison. the SJW’s shall be required to clothe, shelter & feed these ‘misunderstood’ ‘victims of society’ & rehabilitate them sufficiently to re-enter into the ranks of ‘workers’ …. they stay as long as it takes …

    after all … No Justice, No Peace!
    practice what you preach, twatwaffles

  2. Perhaps we should rewrite our penal code:

    Murder: 30 days community service.
    Forcible Rape: 15 days community service.
    Date Rape (no notarized written consent): 15 years to life in a state prison.
    Sexual Harassment: Life in prison without the possibility of parole.
    Cannibalism: Warning for first offense; $100 fine for subsequent offenses.
    Counseling People On Gender Issues (California only): death penalty.
    Terrorism (non-Muslim): death penalty.
    Terrorism (Muslim): not a crime anymore.
    Offering an unsolicited drinking straw to a customer: 10 years to 30 years in prison.
    Entering the United States illegally: ding, ding, ding – big winner! You get free housing, medical care, education, a driver’s license and a car courtesy of US taxpayers. And we demote or fire the ICE agent who arrested you.
    Driving off of a bridge while drunk and drowning a young woman: up to 50 years in the United States Senate.

  3. Perhaps no guns and anarchy is the way to go. That way people like soy boy will be lifted by his neck tie and shaken upside down until his lunch money drops to the ground.

    Within a year people like this dope will be asking if he could be allowed to carry a gun.

  4. It must be a happy existence to be a grown child. The author has no self awareness. No common sense. He’s too stupid to know how stupid he is.

    I’m, quite frankly, embarrassed for him

  5. California is well down the road on no incarceration. The early release programs and the new definition of what a violent crime actually is basically no incarceration. While simultaneously disarming the law abiding citizen. Next step, which is currently underway, stop LEO from shooting back. Just WTF is their end goal here anyway?

  6. Fellows Program – Class XXIV

    Matt Driscoll
    Metro News Columnist
    The News Tribune

    Matt Driscoll is Metro News Columnist at The News Tribune. An award-winning journalist, he writes about government, public policy, social justice, equity and – most importantly – people. Previously, he’s written for Seattle Weekly, the Weekly Volcano and the Portland Mercury, among other publications. A graduate of The Evergreen State College in Olympia, he currently lives in Tacoma with his brilliant wife Jennifer and their three kids, Lily, August and Alice.


    The American Leadership Forum, of which this jackass is a Senior Fellow boasts a roster, now hidden from the public, that includes Tacoma, Pierce county and neighboring jurisdiction elected and appointed officials, as well as select individuals from the regional media.
    So what?
    So they go on retreats together, hold quorums in person and online that are out of the public eye and basically act as a shadow government that would make Tammany Hall blush.
    Nothing gets on the agenda unless and until it has been vetted through the ALF and furthermore when reporting and editorializing these connections are kept from the public.
    The Puget Sound Region is bathed in political and moral corruption and this entity is an integral part of that.

    Fellows are nominated from within and those on the roster act as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Tacoma/Pierce Democrat Machine. This article, and everything this Evergreen Graduate publishes, has been vetted before being printed.

    I have a friend who was contacted by people on the inside, he is very influencuial and active in the community and a big time prog. He was horrified when he found out what is going on therein. That is how it is that I am aware of some of the details.

  7. Vigilantism is a name for extralegal measures taken that are the exclusive purview of government, but that concept only holds so long as government is legitimately acting on behalf of the populace and endeavoring to see that justice is served. Once government does not operate in that capacity, government no longer can be said to have a legitimate monopoly on dispensing justice. At that point it is no longer vigilantism to take the law into your own hands, government has basically abdicated their legitimate monopoly on dispensation of justice and the individual or individuals have no recourse but to do the best they can on their own.

  8. Thirty-five years ago a friend said prison overcrowding is the perfect subject to determine if someone is a conservative with common sense or a leftist lunatic without any common sense.

    Just ask, If prisons are over crowded by 25% what should we do? A) set free 25% of the prisoners convicted of the least offensive crimes. B) execute 25% of the prisoners convicted of the most violent crimes.

    It’s not vengeance. It’s protecting the public from predators.

  9. @LCD , terrific . I would have liked seeing a bit more butt kicking of the moron.

    My late brother owned a trucking company in Ohio and had people do that crap to him or his drivers. Usually on long up hill climbs during labor disputes. Worse were the bastards standing on roadside tossing bricks out at windshield height.

  10. 3’3’3′ Cells.
    Grate on top, drain on bottom.
    Hose it out once a week.
    1 hour per week exercise (while it’s being hosed out).
    No inmate fraternization.
    No inmate-guard fraternization.
    No talking.
    Food and water delivered through grate.
    Time sentenced is time served – no parole.

    Smaller prisons, fewer guards.
    Few will want to return.
    Crooked judges and politicians first (that is, on the lower levels).

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Left Coast Dan

    Yea but who’s going to protect you from LAPD and adjoining agencies. The first thing they would do is declare Martial and start gun confiscation. Of course they would only disarm the law abiding so you would have nothing to defend yourself with.

  12. I have a solution to the prison “overcrowding” problem while continuing to provide financial aid to Mexico: Contract with Mexico to take our prisoners and keep them in mexican prisons! Creates jobs down south, and if the low-lifes escape, the big, beautiful wall will keep them in mexico. Hell, half of them were originally from there anyway.


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