Writer of “explosive” UVA rape story under scrutiny – IOTW Report

Writer of “explosive” UVA rape story under scrutiny

According to the Washington Post, writer Sabrina Erderly set her sites on writing a story about college rape. One wonders now if coming up snake eyes on any sensational stories allowed her to welcome a fabricated story by a student named Jackie. Or worse still, did Sabrina simply fabricate one, like the leftist writers have done many times before? Think Stephen Glass, Michael Finkel or Jayson Blair. Under scrutiny, her Rolling Stone Magazine report is increasingly being looked upon with a bit of skepticism.

ST-rollingstone491417208105Details of her subject’s story, upon reflection has glaring inconsistencies. The girl who was raped supposedly lay in a pile of shards of glass and was ground into it for hours by fraternity brothers, who apparently didn’t think of moving her off of the glass so they wouldn’t be cut, or at the very least, made to feel unpleasant.

When she left the fraternity house she had to walk past a group of people at a party, none of whom noticed that she was bleeding.

Read the deconstruction HERE.

ht/ finai



13 Comments on Writer of “explosive” UVA rape story under scrutiny

  1. They will never be able to “win” with the truth, therefore any means necessary will justify the ends to Progressives. In fact, I believe they think it’s noble.

  2. B…buuuuttt…THE ISSUE is real and important so, if all her details aren’t exactly accurate (or even real), that doesn’t maaaaatter.



  3. More likely than not this represents just the latest Gruberism. That is all the left actually has on any subject. The left relies on lack of transparency and in this one we have TOTAL lack of transparency. Let’s just say: I am skeptical.

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