Writer Removed from a Sci-Fi Conference Because She Said “Colored People” Instead of “People of Color” – IOTW Report

Writer Removed from a Sci-Fi Conference Because She Said “Colored People” Instead of “People of Color”

When Jordan Peterson says he won’t be bullied into using speech that others demand from him, this is exactly what he is talking about.

The left decrees that a slight modification of a phrase is the one and only acceptable way, and if you do not adhere to their demands you will be “dealt with.”

It’s all about control, and it’s absurd and anyone that goes along with it is a useful idiot.

Complaints about my post can be forwarded to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

The Canceling HERE

22 Comments on Writer Removed from a Sci-Fi Conference Because She Said “Colored People” Instead of “People of Color”

  1. Heatsync MAY 23, 2022 AT 9:42 AM
    “Bloom County used to be so great, until it wasn’t, anymore.”

    …yep. Just like P.J. O’Rourke, God rest his confused soul…

  2. There is no difference between people of color and colored people. None. What is the difference in saying, “do you want a red car?” or “do you want a car in red?” Nothing

  3. We’re witnessing cultural annihilation in real time. And all to appease the thoroughly unappeasable niggers who ruin every place they show up to in large numbers.

  4. I was told that the term “Oriental” was incorrect and that I should use Asian people instead.
    My theory with these constantly mutating terms, especially the hideous list of stupid pronouns for the gender-confused, is that they’re always moving the goal posts so that yer always wrong and thus they establish permanent “victimhood”.

  5. …this is all just a variation of the REAL purpose of the Rules of Etiquette.

    Louis XIV used it for the express purpose of controlling his courtiers and tiring them out with so many stupid details they literally were unable to think of anything else.

    …which is EXACTLY what they are doing with THIS stuff today.

    …well, that, and dividing folks that SHOULD be united agains THEM.


    …works pretty well, too.

    ..because here we are talking about acceptance word order and NOT the fact that a treasonous pedophile is illegally in control of this nation and all its forces, and may well cause us nuclear annihilation if he doesn’t starve us to death first, but sure, let’s all argue about what to call each other instead while whoever controls Pedo has him incite the OTHER big nuclear superpower with a multimillion man standing army…


  6. Live by the sword, die by the sword. They are the ones, after all, who never fail to point out the person’s color and/or gender if the subject is one of their pet mascots. It’s very entertaining to watch them cancel their own over this nonsense. And The Left: Special Victims Unit, rolls on.

  7. …it’s especially entertaining because these are usually adults (at least by chronological age) whose fragile sensibilities are that of a six year old, thumb-sucking tattle tale. Psychos.


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