WTF Is Going On At Venice Beach? – IOTW Report

WTF Is Going On At Venice Beach?

Where to even begin?!

17 Comments on WTF Is Going On At Venice Beach?

  1. Hey, now, @MJA, you need to be more specific! There’s a Venice in both Florida and California, and the one here in Sarasota County has been around longer (since 1888 according to the post office).

    I have to admit, though, that if I heard someone ask, “WTF is going on at Venice Beach?” I might think they found some old guy NOT wearing brown support socks with his Velcro strap orthopedic sandals.

  2. Back in the 90s, you could get a RT to San Diego for $99 from Denver. On the spur of the moment too. Couple times we just were close to the airport, parked and bought a ticket. Always headed up the coast for Venice Beach.

    Fucking sweet, really was a cool vibe.

  3. @Txn4Evr
    AUGUST 9, 2022 AT 12:12 PM
    “The police truck is clearly marked by a Los Angeles police insignia.”

    Venice was absorbed into the city of LA many decades ago.

  4. Still, less crazy and more coherent than Maxine Waters. Maybe he should run for her congressional seat.

    Several thousand dollars of damage to the PD truck, but I’m sure he is good for it.

  5. Much like the trans craze, I can’t get whipped up over the rampant, unchecked, mental health crises in blue cities.

    The guy filming has one helluva mic though!

  6. I visited Venice Beach several times, back-in-the-day.
    Great swimming & mild surfing, a fun place to go to the beach.
    Yeah, you still had the “crazies”, but they were entertaining crazies, panhandling for a few bucks here & there. (best memory is of the ragged dude pushing the upright piano up & down the beach, stopping to play once in awhile) (and there were the normal collection of guitar players, etc)
    And there were the small fence enclosed concrete patios, with the benches, barbells and weights. Those muscle dudes walking around back then would have put up a serious competition against Arnie back then.
    But this drug-addled crap now? Sorry. I left nothing back in Krazy Kalifornication that I feel the need to go back there and get it.

  7. after thinking about it bit, I think the cops thought it looked normal, too. They were very ‘ho-hum’ about it. They probably see that sort of stuff all the time.
    I hope they gave him pizza for dinner

  8. Also the guy is too “articulate” to be a hoodrat. Sounds a bit upper middle class. Could replace *Joe’s current Press Secretary. He couldn’t do any worse.

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