WTF is Going On?????? Why is the Right So Feckless?? The Speaker CAVES! – IOTW Report

WTF is Going On?????? Why is the Right So Feckless?? The Speaker CAVES!

Mike Johnson Backtracks, Caves to Deep State, Democrats on Slipping FBI Spy Power Reauthorization into Defense Bill.

HT/ Joe6Pack


Speaker Mike Johson (R-LA) backtracked and caved to the deep state and Democrats, moving to slip a deep state authorization into the defense bill.

Reports say that congressional leaders, including Johnson, agreed to put an extension of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The bill would extend Section 702 until April 19.

This frustrated many conservatives, including those who were supposed to be instrumental in crafting the final texts for the NDAA.

Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) released a video statement after she said that leadership asked conferees, which includes herself, to agree to the 3000-plus page NDAA, which is “being released behind closed doors without even getting time to read it!”

The Peach State conservative blamed Johnson for negotiating with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to “cut a deal” that would contain prohibitions against funding for abortion and “trans surgery prohibitions” that were in the House-passed NDAA under former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

She explained:

It also would pass a CLEAN FISA extension. Not to mention, more of your taxpayer dollars sent to Ukraine to fund the proxy war. No member of the NDAA conference had any influence on this process. It was done in secret meetings with no input from conferees. Now, we’re supposed to just grin and take it with no say in the final bill. Is the GOP really going to fund abortion vacations and trans surgeries, fund the Ukraine war, all with a CLEAN FISA extension under Speaker Johnson?

This was a total sell-out of conservative principles and a huge win for Democrats.

Congratulations to my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, you should all be excited to vote for this!

I’m a HELL NO! [Emphasis added]


32 Comments on WTF is Going On?????? Why is the Right So Feckless?? The Speaker CAVES!

  1. Long time ago the House did their constituents business. That was a very long time ago. Today, they are in business for themselves and we need to just fuck off.

    Hard for them to make it more clear.

  2. Don’t expect a corrupt institution to do ethical things. The Congress, both houses, are our enemy. We saw them stab President Trump in the back at every opportunity when his party had complete control. The only hope for this country is a tsunami, meteor, earthquake, or nuke, destination DC. Complete annihilation while every politician and bureaucrat is in town.

    Do not hope for decency from anyone in that shithole.

  3. I get about six emails a day from this guy and his wife asking me for money. Why does he need money? If you hit “unsubscribe” plan on the requests doubling. The adds spend a lot of time explaining how Mike has a hot line to God. Speaking from my own personal experiences, from being in biz for myself for far longer than I like to think about, the people that have screwed me the hardest, by far, all wear sweet baby Jesus on their sleeve.
    Having said all that, there’s plenty of video of this guy, and at the time nobody knew who he was, turn Marick Garland into a sniveling little bitch. So I’m going to give him another six months.
    Bottom line we’re not quite the government for the people by the people our founders envisioned are we? And we need to get there, quick.

  4. Kick the can.
    I think they’re all in on it. They decide who among them will play the “conscientious objector” for the press.

    MTG owns over 6 real estate properties, 5 Cars, and 1 Luxury Yacht.
    Probably isn’t affected by the economy.

  5. The ‘positives’ from the republicans have been astronomically minute.

    We have been/are being played….The only acceptable response from American Patriots seems undeniable….

  6. Elise Stefanik is one tough lady! I’ve been leery of her because she’s from NY. However, she certainly deserves consideration as a VP. I haven’t seen her pull any Mike Fuckin Johnson surprises so she has that going for her.

  7. joe6

    To use an old term for old guys, the woman is measured in her responses. But when she sees the green light, look fing out. Her brain works. That’s one diversity hire that will be rethinking her own personal bull shit IQ level.

  8. so done w/ these Quislings …. bunch of ‘do-nothings’ that are content w/ the continued grifting of the American taxpayer

    why are they so content? …. ’cause they’re in on it!
    the Mafia is a charitable organization compared to these people
    what if we refuse to pay taxes to these corrupt Plutocrats (bought by our $$$)? …. nothing …. they’ll just print more funny money & tax us more

    the republican party left me a long time ago … I had hopes & stayed in …. got out before 2018 (w/ Ryan was in charge) when I finally realized they will never support the people that uphold the values that they espouse … but, in reality, do not support.

    there are millions just like me …. & they could care less

    the system is rigged … we ain’t voting our way out of this

  9. Money and power have corrupted our country so deeply it will be a long, hard slog to get real change to the road back to anything resembling a government with the balls to do what’s right and constitutional.
    If at all.

  10. Since Biden’s installation, our government has done absolutely nothing to benefit the citizens or the country – Democrats or Republicans. It should be abundantly clear that their own self interests far outweigh their concern for the American people. They make and control law so are subject to no accountability. Voting will not change a thing. All monies spent by these people go to other countries, far left causes, “friends and family”, non-productive people, illegals or ends up in their own pockets. There is no reason to believe any of them will effect change. They don’t want it.

  11. Read elsewhere that the GOPe currently has about half of the Rep seats in the House(???). Was Johnson aware that, at best, 25% of the total House would back him, while 75% would back the UniParty proposals? Until more GOPe toads get replaced we will continue to get an occasional worthwhile bill passed, but it will be mighty slim pickings.

  12. Retardicans thirst for death….

    After expelling Santos….before he’s convicted of a crime….(Santos has plead innocent)….we keep getting reports of incumbent Retardicans retiring….

    0ur Retardicans really hate being in charge of things….but love being “first losers”.

  13. Definitely was expecting this. Gave Johnson benefit of the doubt for a while but my RINO radar kept going off. Just a matter of time before that RINO horn would pop out on his forehead. We now know who he truly is.

    Johnson talked a good game, which enivitably turn into a “bait and swich” scam. He has now proven with his actions, he’s not a patriot or an authentic Christian – reaching across the aisle and compromising with enemies of our Republic and God proves it.
    Done with this traitor.

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