WTH? Biden’s Creepiest Quip To Date – He Has Problems – IOTW Report

WTH? Biden’s Creepiest Quip To Date – He Has Problems

18 Comments on WTH? Biden’s Creepiest Quip To Date – He Has Problems

  1. How in the world do the people who are handling this demented fool expect him to govern the United States? Why aren’t the so called members of the free press asking for all his medical records? What drugs is he taking? Who last examined Obiden for the state of his cognitive decline? When is someone going to rid us of this mentally incompetent pretender?

  2. …at this point, I’m pretty sure the idea is the same as it is when Hillary kills someone in a very obvious way, and a compliant official rules it a suicide against ALL the openly available evidence to the contrary, and even against all logic and common sense. It’s a message to US that THEY rule, that THEY are above the law, and all the concepts of Rule of Law are just a puppet show and they will do whatever they want whether we complain or not, whether we know about it or not.

    At this point, a Biden “election” would be exactly the same thing.

    It would be manifestly apparent that it was a steal, and they WANT it that way just to make sure WE understand that they WILL rule us how and as they please, that ALL the force and machinations of a bloated, too-powerful government are THEIRS, and to rub our noses once and for ALL in the fact that our “votes” mean NOTHING, and that power is THEIRS for the taking.

    Just to make sure we get that resistance is useless when they come to take our guns, abort our babies on their whim, and sell our children into sex slavery as they take our property to distribute to their own diciples as a reward for their continuing violence against us.

    That’s what this is about.

    They win.

    We lose.

    And they want to be SURE you get the picture this time…

  3. “Four more years”, indeed. It has a completely different meaning to skeevy Joe. I feel sorry for the female nurses at the looming long-term care facility.

    Wait, what?…”I’m coming back”? As a ghost?

  4. Nihilists – they hate God because THEY are not God!
    (each … individually)

    In their frustration at not being God, they can only destroy.
    And this they do with vigor.
    They know exactly what they are attempting to accomplish.
    We (the humans) are the ones who stumble cluelessly about wondering “Why?”

    As we all know, it is easier to destroy than to build. Rome wasn’t built in a day but it could be vaporized in an instant. The Joey Biden/Walter is the perfect mommet to inflict lasting damage on ignorant and unsuspecting buffoons (as opposed to educated and aware buffoons) and is being manipulated as well as can be expected – he’s being passed off as that weird uncle the media tells us we all have (none of my uncles resembled Slow Joe – ALL of them were WWII veterans and kept their wits – NONE of em touched little girls (or boys) with bad intent).

    People WANT to believe – there’s no other explanation.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “How in the world do the people who are handling this demented fool expect him to govern the United States?”

    how you ask?

    just by doing and saying what they tell him to say of course.

    jill’s still pretty hot for an old woman, who of his handlers is handling her do you suppose?

  6. “And teach that two year old how to stock my groceries. Hey – if I put you two bald black guys together you’d look like a set of elephant’s nuts! I love you guys….”


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