WTH??? Graphic Shows Which States Support Texas – IOTW Report

WTH??? Graphic Shows Which States Support Texas

19 Comments on WTH??? Graphic Shows Which States Support Texas

  1. More than 80% of America have wanted border control for decades. Our “Elite Leaders” have been telling us to Eff Off for all those years. Dems and Reps thumb their noses at We the People, and we just sit back and vote for those same bastards. They hate us and tell us so to our faces.

  2. i wish i could give credit but i’m too old to remember…..someone brought up that it’s not 25 states, it’w 25 plus 1….

    …..which is 26….

    ..which is a MAJORITY of the states…..


  3. Border problem is ALL trump’s fault. No wall his failed policies we’re still following. His do nothing jackals in Congress. But hey we have Abbott transporting these fucks all over America, cry me a river & support dis🖕 wit 👎👎for the 🤡 show.

  4. Don’t you know “It’s ALL Trump’s fault”, cuz shit-for-brains anonymous said so.
    Never mind it’s been going that way since Clinton/Bush.
    Those who can’t remember past last week should shut their cock-holster.


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