WTH? Sealed ‘Super Mario 64’ game sells at auction for a record-breaking $1.56 million – IOTW Report

WTH? Sealed ‘Super Mario 64’ game sells at auction for a record-breaking $1.56 million


Nintendo games have been commanding massive prices at auctions this year. Just days after a rare copy of the Legend of Zelda fetched a record $870,000, an N64 classic has almost doubled that amount. A completely sealed Super Mario 64 sold for a whopping $1.56 million over the weekend.

That may seem like an insane price for a best-selling game that millions of people owned, but the auctioneer says the copy’s mint condition sets it apart from your dusty old one. According to Heritage Auctions, the boxed game had a 9.8 A++ Sealed rating on the Wata Scale. That means it’s immaculately preserved in the same condition as when it left the factory. Such highly rated games are often described as “Case Fresh.” 

Add to that the cultural impact of Super Mario 64, the plumber’s first true 3D escapade and a massively successful launch title for the beloved N64 console, and you can see why it broke the seven-figure mark. By comparison, a nearly perfect copy of Super Mario Bros. for the NES nabbed a record $660,000 in April before the Legend of Zelda auctionbeat it. While a Wata 9.4 A+ Sealed copy of Final Fantasy III pulled in $96,000 a few days ago.

ht/ illustr8r

16 Comments on WTH? Sealed ‘Super Mario 64’ game sells at auction for a record-breaking $1.56 million

  1. Gee, I always thought video games were for dick-brains.

    But had I known the shit would be a fortune I would have invested in “Case Fresh” bullshit to sell to retards.

  2. I don’t get it.
    Why is something that you can’t enjoy worth so much money? If you open the package it immediately becomes worthless.
    This has to be libtard logic.
    This is proof that some people don’t deserve what they own.

  3. “..and you can see why it broke the seven-figure mark.’

    Even if I put on 3 pair of glasses and squint real hard, I can’t see it
    gotta be some money laundering in there somehow

  4. My old roommate (if still alive) is a millionaire. Dude was a real life Simpsons comic book guy. He had every damn game nintendo ever made. Madden 1 through 21, n64 games, every damn scifi movie ever made…

    I should call him up. He’s probably completely unaware. He’d play the games until a new console came out. Then he’d store the old games and console in their original boxes and put them in a closet.

    He had one entire closet full of games and movies. His comic book collection took up the hall closet that had double sliding doors.

    And yes ladies, he was single.

    All I ever played was Legend of Zelda and Mario Kart. Fun solid games…. but that’s it. Just games. You’re done and go do something else.

    Million bucks…..man, that takes it out of nerdsville and straight into cultlike status. No thanks.

  5. The guy was older. 4th generation San Franciscan. Improved my motorcycle riding skills exponentially, played drums like a metronome…..but yeah. He looked like Ben Grimm from the fantastic 4. No, really.

    He either gave up or told himself he’d never meet anyone. So his life was as regular and repetitious as possible. Get up at 5, smoke a joint, go to work, come home by 3 smoke a joint, read comics, play vidya’ games. Play drums on fri or sat in a band, go for a motorcycle ride on sunday for 8 hours, come home, smoke a joint.

    I worked in a niteclub so our work hours were opposite. We’d hang out on Sundays, go for a ride.

    Yeah, it was pathetic in a way…. but he did have taste. I enjoyed his hard bound coffee table sized Carl Barks Uncle Scrooge collection.

    Nice guy. I did shame him into learning about programming and building the computer he spent so much time playing on. Probably the only advice I ever gave him on anything.

    But damn, could that boomer ride a motorpickle. Every time I rode with him I ended up sweating through my shirt. Dude was fast as hell and definitely had zero f#cks to give.

  6. I should point out my old roommate, who smoked weed, was never “high”. It was just routine. The way he’d smoke cigs, drink a cup of joe, play drums, work as a union painter, ride a motorcycle. It was routine like clockwork. Never saw him stumble or swerve, never heard any stoopid dope talk like I did in Kolledge.

    We’d ride Triumphs waaaaaay into Sonoma through insane curves. Along the coast down to Santa Cruz. Through the city on routes I’ve never seen before or since.

    How anyone could keep time on drums, paint a bathroom in oil with no drips or whip elbow down around switchbacks on a motorcycle with the precision and regularity of a machine after smoking a joint never failed to astound me. I rode stone cold sober and sweated like a pig and this guy did it all as if were a regular time of day experience, half the time with a cig hanging out of his mouth. Astounding.

    My generation is apparently, wound up a bit tighter.


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