WV: Morrisey Fends Off Blankenship In GOP Primary – IOTW Report

WV: Morrisey Fends Off Blankenship In GOP Primary

DC: West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey defeated former coal CEO and ex-con Don Blankenship Tuesday as the GOP works to wrestle a senate seat away from the Democrats.

Morrisey beat back Republican opponents Blankenship and Even Jenkins in a bid to take on Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin. Republicans were worried Blankenship, who served prison time for his alleged role in a 2010 mine explosion, would win and potentially scuttle the party’s chances of taking a winnable senate seat.

Indiana and West Virginia are two of the GOP’s best pickup opportunities as the party to expand on its slim 51-to-49 majority. Democratic Sen. Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Manchin of West Virginia are running for re-election in states that voted overwhelmingly for President Donald Trump.  more here

6 Comments on WV: Morrisey Fends Off Blankenship In GOP Primary

  1. Gonna be interesting as the mid terms near. I’m in Michigan and I am sure Claudia, like me, see’s blood in the water when it comes to Debbie Stabenow. As the progressives steer more to the left a chance to replace many D’s exist. I heard one person on the radio say 9 Dem seats were in serious play. That would be a nice pickup in the senate provided they are all conservatives and not RINO’s.

  2. After reading NAGR report of Evan Jenkins voting to support Feinstein NICS in the budget bill, even though he had signed the NAGR pledge not to, I’m glad he was defeated. Pat Morrisey & Don Blankenship had both also signed the NAGR pledge not to support, however, neither was yet in a position to favor it or opposite.

    However, Trump also supported it, a Very Big Disappointment.

    The problem is not so much the intent of the bill, it’s the flaws in the bill with very bad unintended consequences.

    Get caught doing 55 mph in a 45 mph zone, & lose your firearms kind of bad.

    https://bearingarms.com/tom-k/2018/02/20/trump-backs-fix-nics-bill/ .


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