WWBD: What Would Breitbart Do? – IOTW Report

WWBD: What Would Breitbart Do?

He’s not here to see us through this election cycle, but that shouldn’t stop us from applying Andrew Breitbart’s fundamental belief in the absolute necessity of defeating the left from influencing our actions in November.



44 Comments on WWBD: What Would Breitbart Do?

  1. Breitbart was all about exposing and annihilating the left. Hence #WAR. They never pretended to be unbiased. Far from it.

    And Bannon has done no disservice to andrew’s legacy. Steve is mission oriented and Andrew would approve IMHO.

  2. Breitbart made some very non nuanced comments about not only Trump but incestuous relationships between politicians (Yes, Aggie, Trump is a politician) and the press.
    He is not around to ask, but I am of the impression that he was far to principled to take the position that when the left does something it is bad, but OK when our side does the same thing.

  3. Yes, and if you read the article, AB exposed Trump as a fraud. Why anyone thinks quoting AB when it comes to Trump is beyond me since the videos still exist of AB tearing down Trump. We are trying to help him win, right?

  4. As I’ve said before, c*cksucker JohnS is here
    SOLELY to sow doubt, fear and defeatism.

    F*CK OFF, A§$H*LE.


    And, BTW Menderman, aside from KNEECAPPING
    the momentum (at almost) every chance you get,
    just WTF do you think you’re accomplishing
    with your spitballs?

  5. ” but I am of the impression”

    And that right there’s the problem. You should focus on what he actually said instead of trying to do us all a favor and bestow your vast knowledge of any and all subject matter to us.

  6. CoD, blatant lies and ignorance is not the way to promote a candidate. AB hated Trump and using his name to promote him only opens the door to bring that up. Do we want the left using AB flashback videos in response the the question “WWBD” meme?


    Menderman, “Breitbart said a lot of things during his life.
    Reducing him to a few cherry picked soundbites is not a show of respect.”


  8. Czar, you only exist on this site to engage in your cursing fetish.
    Maybe as a young girl you had overly restrictive parents and cursing helps you work out your issues and feel empowered.
    To everyone else though, it just appears that you are compensating for having nothing substantive to say.

  9. “Reducing him to a few cherry picked soundbites is not a show of respect. ”
    Wow. That’s exactly what you are doing right now. How many speeches did he give emphasizing stopping and/or destroying the growth of Progressivism. So right now, currently, how do we do that?
    And apparently your Ouija board is telling you something different.

  10. This is too easy.
    It’s like shooting fish in a barrel, JohnS.
    (ya gonna call me out for a perceived threat, faggot?!?)

    Your projection reveals
    what irrational rubbish you peddle.

    One minute THIS, one minute THAT.
    You try to have it both ways…even while most here
    call you out for it to your face.
    Furthermore, you deny and lie as poorly as Obama.
    YOU are the joke.

    It’s rare to find a Leftist (YOU)
    who can think/argue straight.

  11. Breitbart was all about getting into the grille of leftists and kicking their asses. I was at Breitbart’s last blogger conference at CPAC where he appeared with Steve Bannon.

    Y’all naysayers are simply wrong. Wrong.

    I’d appreciate it if you disappeared up your own assholes because you haven’t the foggiest idea where the people of this country stand.

    We are Breitbart. You guys are….well I don’t care who you are but you appear to be foolish at best

  12. Out of respect for Big Fur’s opinion I clicked over to Hot Air. The article was good so I clicked on the one it mentioned written by Larry O’Connor. What planet are these folks living on?

    O’Connor is SHOCKED. SHOCKED HE TELLS US to learn that Trump and Bannon have had phone conversations where Bannon has given Trump advice.

    Larry asks – what if we learned the head of another news network gave advice to a presidential candidate? Why would they have to? Has Larry SEEN the list of Obama White House staffers married or related to news executives including the presidents of CBS and ABC News? Didn’t he see where NBC Entertainment president just slammed Trump as “demented”? Is Larry unaware that the media is 98% progressive democrat? Why would anyone need to give advice to Hillary when they’re the Democrat’s army, navy and airforce there fighting the war while she sleeps?

    Bannon and Trump have been acquaintances if not friends since 2011 (David Bossie in an interview today mentioned he introduced them). I would imagine Trump got a lot of advice from a lot of people. Bannon’s is just one of the people whose advice made sense. His and Kellyanne Conway. Both excellent choices.

    FU HotAir. On to HotGas!

  13. The fact that JohnS finds it appropriate to go after Czar with personal attacks is one of the major reasons I think he’s more worthless and spineless than a half dead liberal democrat. Remember a few months back when he accused me of being a judgement, self righteous catholic? Yeah, that was rich bc apparently protestants/judeo christian beliefs don’t exist. (Among other, dare I say ‘problematic’ ideals that he has.)

    All I see him do is divide and divide, like 90% of the time. I thought he was banned because of this. Free speech is one thing, but having someone be incredibly rude and argumentative in every single political thread… does that not make them ban worthy?

  14. As I said, even Rush Limbaugh (who supports Trump) calls Breitbart News “Trumpbart News”. He did so yesterday on his show when covering the Bannon news. The blatant sucking up to Trump the past year by Bannon and the entire Breitbart News site would have never happened if AB where still at the helm. Breitbart News could release a smoking gun story tomorrow and it would be completely ignored because of Bannon and his antics. It was a horrible move by both Trump and Bannon to make the collusion official. Is he trying to lose?

  15. Btw. Obama sent his Occupy Wall Street thugs to invade CPAC that year and Andrew jumped out and got in their faces. Was nearly arrested. It was early 2012.
    If GOPe Romney would have capitalized on that…
    But no. Milquetoast was our dogs breakfast that year.

    Stupid on stilts. I’m thinking that I like this approach better.

    We’ve already suffered through the Romney McCain dole model.

  16. @PageOTurner,

    And us on the right completely ignore the leftist media because we know they are in bed with liberal politicians and we know how wrong that is. Are you suggesting we should celebrate it when the right does it? Seriously?

  17. Chuffed, Czar has been calling me out and insulting me on threads I am not even participating in. He can dish it out, but always complains when it comes back at him.
    I also never made that accusation against you, I think you are confusing me with Brad again. When he is drunk he says crazy things. I am Protestant, but all 3 of my children were raised Catholic. I was married by a Catholic priest. I have worked with Catholic charities, especially Birthright.
    I do enough things that raise criticism, there is no need to make things up.

  18. I am not catholic though, nothing wrong with catholicism, but I’m a judeo-christian. I keep repeating this in different posts throughout the site. /sigh
    It seems as though you forget how often your ‘arguments’ cause strife for a lot of people on here, and it isn’t like it’s because people are angry that you have concerns, it’s because of how confrontational they are. Sure, Czar swore at you, which is offensive, but you responded with an inflammatory personal attack on how she was raised. It’s things like that that I cannot stand for.

  19. @menderman

    Maybe they want to win.

    Cruz was second place. Why hitch your wagon to him?
    Full disclosure. Voted for Cruz. Fact is that he was too televangelist in delivery. His message was spot on. His delivery assured me that he would lose in a landslide.

  20. Words from the past in an attempt to enlighten:

    “There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in
    America as an independent press. You know it and I know it.
    There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions,
    and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in
    print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the
    paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries
    for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to
    write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another
    job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my
    paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.

    The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth;
    to lie outright;
    to pervert;
    to vilify;
    to fawn at the feet of mammon, and
    to sell his country and his race for his daily bread.

    You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an
    independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind
    the scenes. We are jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we
    dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the
    property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”
    John Swinton (1829-1901)
    Former Head of Editorial Staff for the New York Times
    was one of America’s best loved newspapermen.
    Called by his peers “The Dean of his Profession”

  21. Hmm, some (2) folks are upset that Breitbart is on Trump’s side, and are outraged that it could be so. Yet they don’t seem to have shit to say about MSNBC, CNN, and most of the other big networks not only being on Clinton’s side, but outright lying and manipulating stories for her benefit. Kinda makes you wonder what their true purpose in posting here is.

  22. More than “2 people are upset that Breitbart is on Trump’s side,” and are completely against the buffonish fraud that is trump, it’s just that that don’t generally waste their time on sites that have gone full LGF. From Fur on down, this joint has become an absolute pathetic parody. Enjoy your mess, idiots.

  23. Chuffed, Czar has been attacking me on threads that I am not even posting on. This has been going on for quite some time.
    She made it personal, not me.
    Everyone has a limit for that kind of petty sniping, and today she hit mine.
    I really don’t get this concept of backing another person up because they are the same race/sex/gender/disability/… but I accept that it happens

  24. WWABD… Well we really don’t know because he’s dead and the situation has changed a bit
    since his demise.

    What he would be right now is appalled. I’ve had my snipes with both John and Menderman but this talk of banning them is bullshit. Obviously someone else agreed with me because that comment disappeared real quick. If you frequent this site but can’t handle controversy or your feelings get hurt because you can’t change someone’s thought process, go join Trump’s Campaign and knock on doors. Let others hold their nose when they vote for him and get over it. They’ll never love him. This whole thread is reduced to bully tactics and its beneath everyone. You sound like liberals.

    As far as the cry that John got personal with his comments….I call bullshit. Go back and read it. You can’t get anymore personal than calling a grown man a Cocksucker. I’m still tying to figure out what a Judeo Christian is . I’m a Jew and a Christian may share my values but that’s about it. Christian’s have their own book…..stay out of mine and quit hijacking it for political purposes.

  25. TO chuffed-beyond words

    FYI, I’m a MAN (baby);
    calling me a girl is just
    JohnSh!tForBrains 3rd-grade way
    of “attacking” me.

    That’s his level of
    intellectual and emotional maturity.

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