A piece of American history has emerged from the receding waters of Shasta Lake in California.
The U.S. Forest Service Shasta Trinity Unit said the Higgins Boat, known as “The Ghost Boat” from World War II surfaced in the lake as its water dried up.
The boat surfaced in the fall of 2021.
The Forest Service said the marked numbers ‘31-17’ confirms it is a boat assigned to the attack transport U.S.S Monrovia, which was General Patton’s headquarters during the invasion of Sicily.
General Dwight Eisenhower was also on the Monrovia during this time. The ship was reportedly used in the invasion of Tarawa.
The circumstances of the sinking of the “Ghost Boat” remain a mystery, the Forest Service said.
The boat will be removed from the lake, restored and displayed at a museum in Nebraska. Efforts to restore the boat will be done to preserve as much of the integrity of the boat as possible.
I piloted the Ghost Boat to Tokyo and back (with stopovers at Hiroshima and Nagasaki), after Sicily, Tarawa, Normandy, San Francisco, and the Battle of the Bulge (over the Rhine).
Hey Brian….
I did it first and 50% better under more enemy fire.
It hasta be Shasta!
(That’s all I’ve got except the image of that lake bottom is friggen scary!)
First of all, what is it doing in a Lake?
I’m glad it was found and is to be restored. As a career Soldier I had the privilege of walking many of the same halls strode by Patton himself. Always gave me goose bumps.
The men who died for freedom using those boats would be rising up and taking heads, if they knew what Washington is up to.
General Malaise
Interesting but useless fact about my second favorite lake, Shasta. That sucker drains such a large expanse of land it can go from bone dry to overflowing an a couple weeks of good hard rain. And that lake is freaken huge. Road out a small tornado on that lake, after dark, in a houseboat. Wild night. Found out that night wifey was as cool as a cucumber in a total panic situation.
I did not see that video, but I did see a story about a man who was shot with a fully automatic hand gun. How do they work?
Ah. I found the pictures. I was watching the video at the top of the page.
Brad, as a side note, no one remembers the advertising slogan: “I hasta be Shasta!” (soda pop) 🙂 (I shoulda been in advertising.)
Okay, crap in the bottom of a man-made lake. Yeah, buncha litter bugs. Records of sinking “lost” or a green weenie dream to make a reef…. doesn’t matter to the weenies that it is fresh water.
@GM: I have an old Shasta can that predates that slogan.
Just like my Shasta an: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.JTYYXg-B0hWhC6XsdXjVNAAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=2ac07f4c5ddea6daf1176e558ac056957b13d36da315e21b5c971e78f07b83dc&ipo=images.
Cynic, that HASTA BE SHASTA!
I bet seeing those boats coming up the Rhine made those Germans wish they had NEVER invaded Pearl Harbor!
I remember “It hasta be Shasta.”