WWJD? – IOTW Report


8 Comments on WWJD?

  1. Jesus would make the illegal criminals want to go back where they came from.
    He would make their country’s great again and they would never leave again.
    That’s what Jesus would do.

  2. It’s always entertaining watching the left scramble for the moral high ground, referencing the Bible and such. Is this the same God they booed at the Democratic National Convention?

  3. I don’t know what Jesus would say, but if I recall correctly, in the Old Testament the Jews were admonished to take care of sojourners and to tolerate foreigners – AND MAKE THEM ADHERE TO THE LAWS OF MOSES! They had to keep the Sabbath, give up their idolatry, and eat by themselves.

    The illegal-alien invaders (here and now) have already broken the laws of the land and are deserving of NO consideration. They need not be abused, only returned.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. These people on the left that try to use Jesus as a bludgeon
    have no idea who Jesus is.

    It’s always some self-made characterization of Him that fits their needs.

    When they do arrive at Jesus’s judgement seat He will tell them He doesn’t know them because they didn’t have a relationship with Him while they were here and they’ll be sent away. So it is written.

    You do not want to be away from God for eternity. This part of existence isn’t even large enough to be called a blip on the eternal time line. And people sell their eternity for temporary fame, fortune, and what they they think is power. The pinnacle of foolishness.


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